Archer, Gill, Motter,
Barnes, Groon, Nelson,
Barry, Henderson, Nicolai,
Brent, Hoblitzell, Page,
Brewer, B. city, Horsey, of Fr'k, Peters,
Brooke, Howison, Pleasants,
Brown, Jamison, Ritchie,
Carter, Jones, Rogers,
Denson, Keating, Roman,
Devries, Kennedy, Spates,
Dobbin, Kilbourn, Tarr, of Caroline,
Ferry, Lee, Vansant,
Finley, Mackubin, Walsh,
Ford, Maulsby, Wickes,
Garey, McKaig, Whitman—50.
Messrs. Hall, Parran, John,.
Carmichael, P't. Hammond, Perry,
Austin, Hardcastle, Pole,
Bell, Hayden Rider
Bennett, Hodson, Riggs
Bradley, Hollyday, Ringgold,.
Brewer, Montg'y, Hubbard, Silver,
Cosgrove, Longwell, Starr,
Cover, Massey, Stoddert,
Cunningham, McCormick, Tarr, of Wor.
Dorsey, McMaster, Thomas,
Duvall, Mitchell, Toadvine,
Emack, Morris, Wallace,
Evans, Murray, Watkins, of Car.
Farnandis, Parker, Watkins, M—46.
Goldsborough, D. Parran, Chas. S.
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Merrick was adopted.
And the blank was filled with the words " three thousand
seven hundred and fifty."
The question then recurring upon the last division of the
Mr. Bradley moved to reconsider the vote by which the
amendment submitted by Mr. Mitchell was rejected.
Pending the consideration of which,
Mr. Bradley demanded the previous question,
The question then being,
"Shall the previous question be now put?"
It was sustained.