Tuesday, July16th, 1867.
The Committee met.
Mr. Dent in the Chair.
The Committee resumed the consideration of the unfinished
business of yesterday, being the Report of the Committee
upon the Judiciary Department, with pending amendments.
Pending which,
Mr. Barry moved that the Committee rise, report progress,
and ask leave to sit again ;
Decided in the affirmative.
The Committee then rose.
WEDNESDAY, July 17th, 1861.
The Convention met.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Henderson.
Present at the call of the roll the following members :
Messrs. Carmichael, (President,) Alvey, Archer, Austin,
Barnes, Barry, Bateman, Bell, Bennett, Bradley, Brent, Brew
er, of Baltimore city, Brewer, of Montgomery, Brooke, Brown,
Buchanan, Carter, Chambers, Cosgrove, Cover, Cunningham,
Denson, Dent, Devries, Dobbin, Dorsey, Duvall, Emack,
Evans, Farnandis, Ferry, Finley, Ford, Franck, Franklin,
Galt, Garey, George, Giddings, Gill, Goldsborough, of Dor-
chester, Goldsborough, of Talbot, Hall, Hammond, Hardcas-
tle, Hayden, Henderson, Hoblitzell, Hodson, Hollyday, Hor-
sey, of Frederick, Howard, Howison, Hubbard, Ireland,
Jamison, Jones, Keating, Kennedy, Kilbourn, Lee, Long-
well, Mackubin, Manro, Marbury, Maulsby, McCormick,
McKaig, McMaster, McPherson, Merrick, Mitchell, Morris,
Motter, Murray, Nelson, Page, Parker, Charles S. Parran,