through Mr. Dent, Chairman, reported that the Committee
had had under consideration the Report of the Committee
upon the Judiciary Department, with pending amendments,
had made some progress thereon and asked leave to sit again,
on to-morrow.
The Report was concurred in.
The hour having arrived for taking up the order of the
day, the Convention proceeded to the consideration of the
Report of the Committee upon the Legislative Department,
the question recurring upon the Supplementary report of the
The question being upon the motion submitted by Mr.
Brewer, of Montgomery, to strike out the 1st Section of the
Pending which Mr. Vansant moved the previous question.
Mr. Ford moved that the Convention do now adjourn.
Oa motion of Mr. Brewer, of Baltimore City, the yeas
and nays were ordered.
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows :
Messrs. Hubbard, Rennolds,
Barnes, Ireland, Rider,
Bennett, Jamison, Ritchie,
Bradley, Kennedy, Roman,
Brewer, B. City, Manro, Silver,
Buchanan, McPherson, Spates,
Cosgrove, Mitchell, Starr,
Dent, Morris, Syester,
Ford, Nelson, Tarr, of Caroline,
Franck, Parran, Chas. S. Thomas,
Goldsborough, D. Parran, Jno. Toadvine,
Goldsborough, T. Peters, Wethered—34.
Messrs. Evans, Marbury,
Carmichael, P't, Farnandis, Maulsby,
Alvey, Ferry, McCormick,
Archer, Finley, McKaig,
Austin, Galt, McMaster,
Barry, Garey, Merrick,
Bateman, George, Murray,
Bell, Giddings, Nicolai,
Brent, Gill, Page,
Brewer, Montg'y, Hall, Parker,
Brooke, Hammond, Perry,