Monday, July 15th, 1867.
The Committee met.
Mr. Dent in the Chair.
The Committee took up for consideration the Report of the
Committee upon the Judiciary Department, with pending
amendments, which had been committed to them by the Con-
vention ;
Peading the consideration of which,
Mr. Carter moved that the Committee rise, report progress,
and ask to be discharged from the further consideration of
the Report;
Decided in the negative.
Mr. Garey submitted the following resolution:
Resolved, That during the session of this Committee no-
member shall speak longer than thirty minutes, nor more
than twice on any proposition, without the unanimous con-
sent of all the members present, and that it shall be the
duty of the Chairman to see this rule rigidly enforced ;
Which was rejected.
The question then recurring upon the amendment sub-
mitted by Mr. Rider,
To strike out the word "fifteen," where it occurs before
the word "years," and insert the word "twelve,"
It was rejected.
The question then recucring upon the amendment submit-
ted by Mr. Archer,
Mr. Cunningham submitted the following amendment;
Amendment to Section 3: Strikeout the words "during
good behavior," in 5th line, and insert the words, "for
fifteen years, and having served for fifteen years, such per-
son shall be ineligible for the fifteen years next succeeding ;"
Which was rejected.
Mr. Barry moved that the Committee rise, report progress,
and ask leave to sit again ;
Decided in the affirmative.
The Committee then rose.