Mr. Lee moved to strike out the word "ten," and insert
Decided in the negative.
Mr. McMaster moved to strike out the word "eight," and
insert the word "three ;"
Decided in the negative.
The question then recurring upon the order submitted by
Mr. Maulsby,
It was rejected.
Mr. Franck submitted the following order :
Ordered, That from and after to-morrow, the 16th instant,
the sessions of the Convention shall commence at 10 o'clock,
A. M. ;
Which was adopted.
The Convention then resumed the consideration of the un-
finished business of Saturday,
Being the Report of the Committee -upon the Judiciary
The question recurring upon the consideration of the 4th
Section thereof;
Pending which,
On motion of Mr. Dobbin,
The Convention returned to the consideration of the 3d
Section which had been informally postponed ;
Pending which,
Mr, Archer submitted the following amendment:
Strike out the words "during good behavior," in 5th line,
and insert "for the term of fifteen years from the time of his
election, and until his successor is elected and qualified, or
until he shall have attained the age of seventy years, which-
ever may first happen, and he re-eligible thereto until he
shall have attained the age of seventy years, and not after;"
Pending the consideration of which,
Mr. Rider submitted the following amendment to the
Strike out the word "fifteen" where it occurs before the
word "years," and insert the word "twelve;"
Pending the consideration of which,
On motion of Mr. Brewer, of Baltimore City,