Was reconsidered, when
Mr. Wickes submitted the following amendment :
Strike out the second of the additional sections and insert:
No county of this State shall contract any debt or obliga-
tion in the construction of any Rail Road, Canal or other
work of Internal Improvement, nor give or loan its credit to
or in aid of any association or combination, unless authorized
by an act of the General Assembly, which shall be published
for two months before the next election for members of the
House of Delegates, in the newspapers published in each coun-
ty, and shall also be approved by a majority of all the mem-
bers elected to each House of the General Assembly at its
next session after said election ;
Pending the consideration of which,
(By unanimous consent,) Mr. Brewer, of Baltimore City,
submitted the following order :
Ordered, That when the Convention adjourn to-day it stand
adjourned until Monday morning at 10 o'clock ;
Which was read.
On motion of Mr. Carter,
The Convention, at 3 o'clock, P. M., adjourned.
SATURDAY, July 13th, 1867.
The Convention met.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Leech.
Present at the call of the roll the following members:
Messrs. Carmichael, (President,) Archer, Austin, Barry,
Bateman, Bell, Bennett, Bradley, Brent, Brewer of Montgom-
ery, Brown, Buchanan, Carter, Chambers, Cosgrove, Cover,
Cunningham, Dent, Dobbin, Farnandis, Ferry, Finley, Flah-
erty, Galt, Gill, Goldsborough, Dorchester, Goldsborough, of
Talbot, Hall, Hammond, Henderson, Hoblitzell, Hodson,Hol-
lyday, Howard, Howison, Hubbard, Ireland, Jamison, Keat-
ing, Lee, Longwell, Mackubin, Marbury, Massey, Maulsby,
McCormick, McKaig, McMaster, Merrick, Mitchell, Morris,