Decided in the negative.
Mr. Mackubin submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 1st. Strike out after the word "and," the words "from
each of the three Legislative Districts of"—and after the
word "Baltimore," in the 3d line, the words "as they now
exist, or may hereafter be defined;"
Pending the consideration of which,
The question recurring upon its adoption,
On motion of Mr. Mackubin,
The yeas and nays were ordered...
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows :
Messrs. Ford, Mackubin,
Carmichael, P't Goldsborough, D. Morris,
Archer, Goldsborough, T. Motter,
Devries, Hall, Page,
Duvall, Lee, Tarr, of Car.—14.
Messrs. Finley, McMaster,
Austin. Flaherty, Merrick,
Barnes, Galt, Mitchell,
Bateman, Garey, Murray,
Bell, George, Nelson,
Bennett, Gill, Nicolai,
Bradley, Hammond, Parker,
Brent, Henderson, Parran, John
Brewer, of B. city, Hoblitzell, Perry,
Brewer, of Mont. Hodson, Pleasants,
Brown, Hollyday, Rennolds,
Buchanan, Horsey, of Fred. Rider,
Carter, Horsey, of Som. Riggs,
Chambers, Howard, Ritchie,
Cosgrove, Ireland, Roman,
Cover, Janvier, Spates,
Cunningham, Keating, Syester,
Dent, Kilbourn, Thomas,
Dobbin, Longwell, Toadvine,
Dorsey, Manro, Vansant,
Emack, Massey, Walsh,
Evans, Maulsby, Watkins, of Car.
Farnandis, McCormick, Watkins, M.
Ferry, McKaig, Wethered—11.
So the amendment submitted by Mr. Mackubin, was re-