Which was read a first time.
The Convention then resumed the consideration of the un-
finished business of yesterday.
The question recurring upon the motion submitted by Mr.
Carter, on yesterday, to take up for consideration the Report
of the Committee upon Public Works and Corporations ;
Pending the consideration of which.
The question being upon sustaining .the motion,
Mr. Nelson demanded the yeas and nays.
The demand being sustained,
The yeas and nays were called, and appeared as follows:
Messrs. Ford, Merrick,
Carmichael, Pre't Galt, Mitchell,
Archer, Gill, Morris,
Austin, Goldsborough, T. Motter,
Barnes, Hall. Murray,
Barry, Hammond, Nelson,
Bateman, Hoblitzell, Parker,
Bell, Hodson, Parran, John,
Bennett, Howard, Perry,
Brown, Howison, Pleasants,
Buchanan, Jamison, Rennolds,
Carter, Janvier, Riggs
Cover, Keating, Ritchie,
Cunningham, Kilbourn, Spates,
Dent, Lee, Starr,
Devries, Longwell, Syester,
Dobbin, Mackubin, Thomas,
Dorsey, Manro, - Toadvine,
Emack, Maulsby, Watkins, of Mo.
Evans, McCormick, Wethered,
Farnandis, McKaig, Wickes—64.
Finley, McMaster,
Messrs. Duvall, Vansant,
Bradley, Hollyday, Walsh—6.
So the motion was concurred in, and the Convention pro-
ceeded to the consideration of the Report of the Committee
upon Public Works and Corporations.
Pending the reading of the first section,
Mr. McKaig submitted the following amendment: