served and excepted from sale; and provided further, that no
sale or contract of sale of the State's interest in the Chesa-
peake and Ohio Canal, the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal,
and the Susquehanna and Tide-Water Canal Companies shall
go into effect until the same shall be ratified by the ensuing
General Assembly.
Which was read a first time.
Mr. Ritchie, from the Committee upon the Judiciary De-
partment, submitted the following Minority Report:
SECTION -. There shall be in the Eighth Judicial Circuit, six
Courts, to be styled the Superior Court of Baltimore city, the
Court of Common Pleas, the Circuit Court of Baltimore city,
the Criminal Court of Baltimore, the Baltimore City Court,
and the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city; each Court, except
the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city, shall consist of one
Judge, who shall be elected by the legal and qualified voters
of said city, at the election hereinbefore provided, and shall
hold his office for the term of ———————— years, subject to
the provisions of this Constitution with regard to the election
and qualification of Judges, and their removal from office,
and shall exercise the jurisdiction hereinafter specified.
SEC. Each of the said Judges shall receive an annual salary
of five thousand dollars ($5,000), payable quarterly, which
shall not be diminished during his term of office.
SEC. The Superior Court of Baltimore City shall have juris-
diction over all suits where the debt or damage claimed, exclu-
sive of interest, shall exceed the sum of one thousand dollars
($1,000), and in case any plaintiff or plaintiffs, shall recover
less than the sum or value of one thousand dollars ($1,000),
he or they shall be allowed or adjudged to pay costs, in the
discretion of the Court. The said Court shall also have juris-
diction in all other civil cases, except in equity, which are
not hereinafter assigned to the Court of Common Pleas, or to
Baltimore City Court.
SEC. The Court of Common Pleas shall have civil jurisdic-
tion in all suits where the debt or damage claimed, exclusive of
interest, shall be over one hundred dollars ($100), and shall not
exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000); in actions of replevin
where the appraised value of the property in controversy
exceeds one hundred dollars ($ 100), and does not exceed one
thousand dollars ($1,000), and in all applications for the
benefit of the insolvent laws of this State and the supervision
and control of the Trustees thereof.