several parts. Without law the machinery will not work
smoothly and accomplish the great ends which it was designed
to attain.
Pardon me, my friends, for trespassing so long on your
patience, and permit me to conclude by repeating that you
and the Governor of the State, the members of this Conven-
tionj their Committee, and all that you represent, have my
sincere thanks and gratitude for the welcome which has been
extended to me on the occasion of my visit to the capital of
Upon the conclusion of the remarks by the President,
Mr. Dobbin, Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements,
stated that the President and party would now be escorted to
the Senate Chamber, to receive all who were desirous of pay-
ing their respects to His Excellency.
And moved that the Convention do now adjourn.
Whereupon, the President and suite left the Hall,
And the Convention at 12 1/2 o'clock adjourned, until Wed-
nesday, 10th July next, at 10 o'clock A. M.
The Convention met.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Hammond.
Present at the call of the roll the following members:
Messrs; Carmichael, (President,) Archer, Barnes, Barry,
Bell, Bradley, Brent, Brewer, of Baltimore city, Brewer, of
Montgomery, Brown, Buchanan, Carter, Chambers, Cos-
grove, Cunningham, Denson, Devries, Dobbin, Dorsey, Du-
vall, Emack, Evans, Farnandis, Ferry, Finley, Flaherty,
Galt, Garey, George, Gill, Hall, Henderson, Hoblitzell,
Hodson, Horsey, of Somerset, Howard, Howison, Kil-
bourn, Longwell, Mackubin, Massey, Maulsby, McKaig,
McMaster, Merrick, Merryman, Morris, Motter, Murray, Nel-
son, Parker, John Parran, Perry, Peters, Pleasants. Ren-
nolds, Riggs Ritchie, Spates, Starr, Tarr, of Caroline, Tarr,,
of Worcester, Thomas, Toadvine, Vansant, Walsh, Watkins,
of Montgomery, Wethered, Wickes, Wilkinson, Whit-