proceedings before him upon the motion of either party to
reserve the case before him for trial and decision, by the
Judge of said Court.
Which was read a first time.
The Convention then resumed the consideration of the un-
finished business of yesterday,
Being the Report of the Committee upon the Legislative
Said Report being upon a second reading.
The question recurring upon the amendment submitted by
Mr. McCormick, to the 36th Section of the Report;
Pending which,
Mr. McCormick moved that the vote by which the 33rd
section as amended, had been ordered to a second reading,
be re-considered.
The question recurring upon sustaining the motion,
Mr. Dent demanded the yeas and nays;
The demand being sustained, (Mr. Vansant in the Chair,)
The yeas and nays were called and appeared as follows :
Messrs. Gill, Murray,
Alvey, Goldsborough, T. Parker,
Archer, Groome, Perry,
Barry, Hardcastle, Peters,
Bateman, Hayden, Pleasants,
Bell, Henderson, Pole,
Brewer, of B. C., Horsey, of Fre'k. Ringgold,
Brown, Howard, Ritchie,
Buchanan,, Howison, Rogers,
Carter, Johnson, Silver,
Chambers, Jones, Spates,
Cunningham, Keating, Starr,
Evans, Kennedy, Tarr, of Caroline,
Farnandis, Longwell, Wallace,
Flaherty, Mackubin, Walsh,
Galt, McCormick, Watkins, of Car.
Garey, McKaig, Wethered,
George, McMaster, Wickes—53.
Messrs. Franklin, Merrick,
Bren,t, Giddings, Mitchell,