it may te held, and shall have and exercise all the power,
authority and jurisdiction which the present Circuit Courts
of this State now have and exercise or which may be prescrib-
ed by law.
Sec. . There shall be one Judge in each Judicial Cir-
cuit, except the twelfth, who shall be styled Judge of the
Circuit Court, and during his term of office shall reside in
one of the counties composing the Circuit for which he may
be elected. The said Judges shall hold a term of their Courts
in each of the counties composing their respective Circuits at
such times as are now, or may hereafter be prescribed by
law, such terms to be never less than two in each year in
each county, and may hold special terms in their discretion,
whenever the business, in their several counties, render such
terms necessary.
Sec. . The said Judges of the Circuit Courts shall also
sit as Judges of the Circuit Courts in adjoining Circuits when
required so to do by law, or whenever the Judges of such ad-
joining Circuits may mutually agree to interchange, and hold
terms for each other, and in all cases in which the Judge of
anyjudicial Circuit shall be disqualified or unable to act as
Judge at any term or in any cause pending in his Court, he
shall certify the fact to the Judge of an adjoining Circuit,
who shall have full power and authority, and whose duty it
shall be to act in the place of such disqualified Judge, and
hold the term or try the cause in his stead, or the parties to
such cause may by consent appoint a person to try the
Sec. . The salary of each of said Judges of the Circuit
Court shall beper annum, pay able
quarterly, which shall not be diminished during his contin-
uance in office.
Sec. . The present Judges of the Circuit Courts shall
continue to act as Judges of the respective Circuit Courts as
now constituted until the election and qualification of Judges
of the Circuit Courts under this Constitution.
Sec. . There shall be a Clerk of the Circuit Court for
each county, who shall be elected by the qualified voters of
such county; he shall hold his office for the term of six
years from the time of his election, and until a new election
is held, and his successor is duly qualified; he shall be re-
eligibte at the end of his term, and shall at any time be sub-
ject to removal for wilful neglect of duty, or other misde-
meanor in office, on conviction in a Court of Law. In the
event of any vacancy in the office of the Clerk of any of the
Circuit Courts, said vacancy shall be filled by the Judge of
said Circuit in which such vacancy occurs, until the next