in said county or city, abeve the age of twenty-five years, and
at least five years proceeding his election, a citizen of this
State, to the office of Sheriff. He shall hold his office for
four years, and until his successor is duly elected and quali-
fied; shall be ineligible for four years thereafter, shall give
such bond, exercise such powers, and perform such duties as
now are or may hereafter be fixed by law. In case of a va-
cancy by death, refusal to serve, or negleot to qualify or give
bond, or by disqualification or removal from the county or
city, the Governor shall appoint a person to be Sheriff for
the remainder of the official term.
Sec. 42. Coroners, Elisors and Notaries Public may be ap-
pointed for each county and the City of Baltimore, in the
manner, for the purposes, and with the powers now fixed, or
which may hereafter be prescribed by law.
Which was read a first time.
The Convention then took up for consideration the unfin-
ished business of yesterday,
Being the report of the Committee upon the Legislative
Said report being upon a second reading ;
The question recurring upon the consideration of the 23d
Pending which,
Mr. Dent submitted the following amendment:
Sec. 23. Strike out all after the word "session," in 4th
line, down to the word "nays," (inclusive) in 7th line, and
insert: "unless two-thirds of the members elected thereto,
shall so determine by yeas and nays; nor shall any bill be-
come a law, until it be read on three different days of the
session in each House ;"
Which was adopted.
The 23d section as amended, was then read.
The 24th section was then read ;
Pending the reading of the 25th section, ,
Mr. Horsey of Frederick, submitted the following amend-
Sec. 25. Insert after .the word "only," in 6th line "nor
shall any law be construed by reason of its title to grant
powers or confer rights which are not expressly contained in
the body of the Act;"
Which was adopted.