for six years, and until their successors are elected and quali-
fied, and be re-eligible thereto, subject to be removed for
wilful neglect of duty, or other misdemeanor in office, on
conviction in a Court of Law; In case of a vacancy in the
office of Clerk of the said ''Supreme Court of Baltimore City,''
the said Court shall have power to fill such vacancy until the
general election for Delegates to the General Assembly to be
held next thereafter, when a Clerk of said Court shall be elec-
ted to serve for six years thereafter.
Sec. 33. The said Clerks of the Supreme Court of Balti-
more city, shall have all the rights and powers, and perform
all the duties of the Clerks of the Superior Court of Baltimore
City, of the Court of Common Pleas, of the Baltimore City
Court, the Circuit Court of Baltimore City and the Criminal
Court of Baltimore City, and take into their care and keeping,
as so assigned to them respectively, all the books, papers and
property of the said several Clerks and their offices, and be
subject to all the duties and restrictions imposed on said offi-
cers, so far as the same are applicable. The salary of the said
Clerks shall be three thousand five hundred dollars per year,
payable quarterly out of the fees of their office, and they shall
be entitled to no other perquisites or compensation. They
shall appoint, subject to removal by the said "Supreme Court
of Baltimore City" for incompetency, neglect of duty or mis-
demeanor in office, as many deputies under them, as the said
Court shall deem necessary to perform, together with them-
selves, the duties of the said office, the amount and mode of
whose compensation shall be according to existing or future
provisions of the General Assembly.
Sec. 34. The said Clerks of the "Supreme Court of Balti-
more City'' shall, until further provision be made by law upon
the subject, respectively give bond, with surety or sureties to
the State of Maryland in such penalty as may be prescribed
by said Court, not exceeding in each case the sum of one hun-
dred and fifty thousand dollars, to be approved by the said
"Supreme Court of Baltimore City," for the faithful perform-
ance of all the duties of their respective offices, and for their
faithfully accounting for, and paying over to the proper per-
son or persons, off authority, all monies which they may re-
spectively be by law, or the duties of their office as such Clerk,
or by the orders of said Court, required to receive, account
for, or pay over.
Sec. 35. The General Assembly shall, whenever it may
think the same proper and expedient, provide by law for the
election of an additional Judge for the "Supreme Court of
Baltimore City," who shall be subject to the same constitu-
tional provisions, hold his office for the same time, and re-
ceive the same compensation as the Judges of the said "Su-