Prince George's County—John S. Lee, John B. Brooke,
Fendall Marbury, Elbert G. Emack.
Queen Anne's County—Richard B, Carmichael, Thomas
J. Keating, Washington Finley, Stephen J. Bradley.
St. Mary's County—Robert Ford, John F. Dent, Baker
A. Jamison.
Somerset County—Purnell Toadvine, Thomas F. J. Rider,
Jas. L. Horsey, Isaac D. Jones, Henry Page.
Talbot County—Wm. Goldsborough, Richard C. Hollyday,
Henry E. Bateman, Ormond Hammond.
Washington County—Andrew K. Syester, Richard H. Al-
vey, Joseph Murray, S. S. Cunningham, Wm. Motter, Geo.
W. Pole.
Worcester County—J. H. Tarr, L. P. Franklin, Thomas
P. Parker, 8. S. McMaster, George W. Covington.
Mr. Gill submitted the following order:
Ordered, That the following persons be declared appointed
to the offices of this Convention for which they are respec-
tively named, and during the pleasure of this Convention:
Secretary—Milton Y. Kidd, of Cecil county.
Assistant Secretary—Thomas H. Moore, of Baltimore
Sergeant-at-Arms—Charles G. Griffith, of Baltimore city.
Committee Clerks—John Posey, of St. Mary's county;
Stephen P. Toadvine, of Somerset county; N. T. Megin-
nis, of Kent county; John H. Woodward, of Baltimore
Doorkeepers—John Hagan, of Frederick county; Henry
Dryden, of Worcester county.
Postmaster—J. E, Bateman, of Harford county.
And be it further ordered, that the President of this Con-
vention be authorized to appoint during his pleasure the re-
maining officers of the Convention, consisting of four Pages,
one Hallkeeper, one Lamplighter and two Folders, provided
he considers such appointments necessary;
Which was adopted.
Milton Y. Kidd, Secretary, Thomas H. Moore, Assistant
Secretary, Charles G. Griffith, Sergeant-at-Arms, John H.
Woodward, Stephen P. Toadvine, and N. T. Meginnis, Com-
mittee Clerks, John Hagen and Henry Dryden, Doorkeep-