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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 39   View pdf image (33K)
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acknowledgment " willingly and freely, and without being " induced thereunto, by any force or threats used by her " husband, or through fear of his displeasure?" And that, upon such examination, she shall own the said acknowledgment to be free and voluntary. And that the person or persons so examining her, shall, in the note or certificate of the caption of the said acknowledgment, certify such her examination and acknowledgment thereupon. And that such certificate be likewise enrolled upon record. In which case only every such femme covert shall be barred, and not otherwise; any thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithstanding.     VI. Provided also, That no such writing indented, shall be at any time enrolled within this province, before the  receiver general of the lord proprietary of this province for the time being, or the deputy or deputies of such receiver-general for the time being, shall set his or their recepimus thereunto, if any fine for alienation for the said land be due, and by the original grant reserved; any thing to the contrary hereof, in this act, notwithstanding.     VII. And be it further enacted, That all laws for enrolment of conveyances, and securing the estate of purchasers, heretofore made, be hereby repealed.

Examined and compared with the record.
                                                        REVERDY GHISELIN,                                                         THOMAS BACON.     Passed sixth June 1674; recorded in liber W. H. and L.         folio 76: office of the court of appeals for the Western         shore; taken here from Bacon's edition.
Supplementary and other acts 1725, ch. 8, 1752, ch. 8,  November, 1766, ch. 14, June 1771, (expired) November, 1773, ch. 3, November, 1779, ch. 10, November, 1782, ch. 23, 1785, ch. 9, ch. 66, ch. 72, 1791, ch. 45, 1794, ch. 57, 1796, ch. 43, 1797, ch. 103, 1798, ch. 103.          Forasmuch as a good and beneficial law, entitled, An act for quieting of possessions, was made the twenty-seventh day of March anno domini one thousand six hunderd seventy-one, in this province, which by the use thereof hath been found very much conducing to the benefit of the said province,

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 39   View pdf image (33K)
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