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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 31   View pdf image (33K)
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bounds of land within this province," and also the supplementary act thereto, be and are hereby repealed.

    Passed the 10th of May, 1718, and recorded in liber L.         L. No. 4, folio 410, &c. one of the law records of the         late province, now state of Maryland, and belonging         to the office of the court of appeals for the western         shore.                                                 TH: HARRIS, JUN.                                                              Cl'k Ct. Apps. W. S.

    Note¾This act is marked in Bacon's edition as dissented to. The following is his note under the title.     " By this act the acts of 1715, ch. 45, and 1717, ch. 9, are repealed: both would otherwise have expired on the 1st June, 1719: for the dissent see his lordships speech to both houses, communicated by the governor on the 19th July, 1721."


[Chapter 17.] A supplementary act to the act for ascertaining                  the bounds of land within this province.

    Whereas several inconveniences have been complained of, this general assembly, in relation to abuses suffered by the too arbitrary power given to the commissioners by the said law; for prevention whereof and to supply some other defects therein, it is humbly prayed that it may be enacted.

    And be it enacted, by the right honorable the lord proprietary, by and with the advice and consent of his lordship's governor, and the upper and lower houses of assembly, and the authority of the same, That three freeholders in each county within this province who are best skilled in the art of surveying, and best acquainted with the nature and design of ancient surveys, such as the governor and council for the time being shall think proper, shall be commissioned and empowered under the great seal, used in this province by the governor for the time being to review any tract or tracts of land, the bounds whereof have heretofore been ascertained by land commissioners, and judgment given thereon, or which hereafter shall be ascertained by the land commissioners of the first view for their respective counties, upon any appeal to them made by any complainant or defendant who shall find themselves aggrieved by such judgment, which said commissioners to be appointed, or any two of them shall have full power and authority to appoint, require and command such officers, evidences and assistants to attend them in the execution of their commission as are appointed to attend the commissioners on the first view by the before recited act, which said officers, evidences and assistants shall be under the same restrictions and penalties upon their non-attendance, and have

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 31   View pdf image (33K)
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