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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 29   View pdf image (33K)
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made appear before the commissioners commissioned as aforesaid at the time of such application, whereupon the commissioners may proceed to determine such bounds of land so prayed to be ascertained, as effectually to all intents and purposes, as if the parties concerned, or any ways interested were personally present.

    And whereas several persons, by their humble petition, have represented to this present session of assembly, That they being concerned and interested in lands, the bounds whereof have been in dispute, and whereupon the commissioners of the several counties for ascertaining the bounds of land pursuant to the act of assembly made at a session of assembly, begun and held at the city of Annapolis, the 26th day of June, anno domini one thousand seven hundred and fifteen, entitled, " An act for ascertaining the bounds of land within this province," have made their award, decree and determination concerning such bounds, by which awards, decrees and determinations, the petitioners aforesaid being much aggrieved, pursuant to the aforementioned act, made their application in due time by way of petition to his excellency the governor, for a commission of review upon the aforesaid proceedings, which his excellency has been pleased to grant them, but by sundry accidents have lost the benefit of having such commission executed within the limited time according to the aforementioned act, and others must unavoidably loose the benefit of such commissions, the persons commissioned, and also others interested being obliged to attend the public affairs and business of this province in this present general assembly, until the time limited for executing such commissions will either be expired, or so near expiring, that it will be impossible such commissions can be executed in due time, pursuant to the directions of that act. And it being further considered, that there may be some others that conceive themselves injured by the awards and decrees of the commissioners for the counties that had resolved in due time, but has not yet made application to his excellency for a commission of review, and likewise some cases where the commissioners of the counties have begun and made some steps towards, but have not finished their award and determination therein;

    Be it therefore likewise enacted, That in all the aforementioned cases, neither the commissioners of any of the several counties, nor commissioners of review, shall proceed any further in executing such their commissions, by virtue thereof, or the aforementioned act, but that all parties concerned in such dispute, where there has not been a final and conclusive determination, pursuant to the direction of the said act, shall be and are hereby left to their liberty to make their fresh application to the commissioners appointed by this act, and to

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Appendix 29   View pdf image (33K)
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