and assigned all the right
in the said fifty acres unto John P. now the husband of the
said Ann.
15th November 1642. (j) Anthony Penruddock, Esq.
assignee of Mr. Edward Robinson, Esq. by his Attorney
Thomas Carey demandeth 2000 acres of land due by
Conditions of Plantation to the said Edward Robinson for
adventuring in his Lordship's hands £100 in the first descent
of the Colony for the transporting of 5 men.
12th November 1642. William Durford demandeth 150
acres of land at the West side of the mouth of Potomack,
due by Conditions of Plantation for transporting himself and
his son Joseph into the Province in the year 1640.
29th August 1642. Thomas Weston demandeth twelve
hundred acres of land due by Conditions of Plantation for
transporting himself and 5 able men into the Province in the
year 1640, whose names were Richard H &c.
George Pye attested the bringing in of the said five men to
his knowledge.
16th April 1642. Thomas Passmore hath entered upon
record a demand of 200 acres of land due by Conditions of
Plantation for transporting two men servants called Thomas
P and Richard W in the year 1634 as he hath affirmed by his
22d October 1643. Edmond Linnen demandeth 50 acres
of land due to him by Conditions of Plantation for
transporting himself into the Province this last month of
September with intent to plant and inhabit here for three years
to come at least.
1st July 1643. John Nott demandeth land by
Conditions of Plantation for transporting himself into the Province
this present year.
The said John Nott assigned over all his interest in the
aforesaid demand unto Francis Posie.
Coram me:
The Demands of land here selected are not immediately
followed by Warrants of survey, the parties not having
probably determined where to make their locations, or intending
not to survey at all, but to sell their rights. The next
examples will comprehend Warrants and Certificates of survey,
of which as of the others it is not pretended to give with
certainty the very earliest instances, the transcription of the
records into books not correspending in size with the original