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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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and to such person or persons, for such estate and interest, and
with such privileges and immunities, as he already had or
should thereafter have Warrant for from the Proprietary
under his hand and seal; which grants so to be made and
passed, were directed to be enrolled by the Secretary of the
Province for the time being, as well as the Warrants under
which they were passed, and were declared to be effectual in
law, and binding on the Proprietary and his heirs after such
enrollment, and not before. By the same Commission three
persons, to wit Jerome Hawley, Thomas Cornwallis, and John
Lewger were appointed a Council to the Governor, and the
last mentioned Gentleman appointed, also, Secretary and
Keeper of the acts and proceedings of the Governor (or
Lieutenant) and Council for the time being, and for the
(i. e. making out) and recording of all grants of land or
of offices within the Province, as well as for recording
generally all matters of a nature to require it.

    The next establishment that claims our notice is that of
Surveyor General, to which office John Lankford was
appointed on the 24th of March 1641. This officer does not
seem to have been a mere surveyor or director of the
Surveys of land, although it has been generally under the
authority of a Surveyor General similarly commissioned that lands
have been laid out by the Deputy Surveyors under the
Proprietary Government. But he was by this Commission
constituted Surveyor General of all and singular the Castles,
Lordships, Manors, Forests, Chases, Parks, Messuages,
Tenements, Lands, Woods, Rents, Revenues, Possessions, and
Hereditaments whatsoever of his Lordship, his heirs and
assigns within the Province of Maryland; to hold the said
office by himself or sufficient Deputy or Deputies during his
(b) natural life
. No Commissions of a very early date to
Deputy Surveyors are to be found, and it is presumable that
they acted under any kind of Warrant or private
appointment that the Surveyor General thought proper to give.¾
Examples of Commissions in a regular form occur about the
year 1674, as will hereafter appear.

    The Secretary's office being opened, the persons entitled
to land, under the first or later Conditions of Plantation,
resorted thither to procure entries on record of their respective
rights, and, either at the same or at a subsequent time, to
demand Warrants of survey for the correspondent quantities
of land, which were issued by the Governor, or by the
Secretary under his direction. Besides the demands made
under Conditions of Plantation, many were grounded on special

(b)     This is the only instance on record of an Office held for life. The
Proprietary's Commissions were generally during his pleasure.


Source: John Kilty. Land Holder's Assistant and Land Office Guide.
Baltimore: G. Dobbin & Murphy, 1808. MSA L 25529.

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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