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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 493   View pdf image (33K)
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and also that, after such attestation, and the signature of
the governor, the great seal shall be thereto affixed, " the cost
and expence of which seal shall be paid by the register," in
such manner as is or may be directed by law, and " collected
" by him from the party, with the sheriff's commission for
" collection, in the same manner as officers fees are by law
" directed to be collected." It is also directed, in respect to the
Eastern shore, that certificates shall be recorded immediately
after patent, and not before, which, though not specially
directed, is equally the practice on the Western shore. How
far the practice in the land office of the Eastern shore may be
to issue patents before they are demanded I am not informed:
but from the operation of the same causes, I presume that the
practice must be the same in both offices. Patents, then, are
not, in fact, issued as a matter of course as soon as the
certificates appear to be capable of being patented, for this reason,
among others, that as the certificates must lie unpatented for
six months after they have been compounded on, there is
more than a probability that the owners may have died in the
interim, or that they may have transferred their rights in the
certificates, by assignment. In the last case there would be a
remedy, as the patentee might withdraw his assignment, and
pass a deed of conveyance; but, in the other case, the patent
would be wholly void. On this consideration, and through
respect to general opinion and usage, which seem to have
given an option as to the taking of patents, they are not made
out until demanded. When a patent is required, if the
certificate be free from any apparent objection, and the party
appearing to be the owner, either originally or by a regular
assignment produced and filed in the office, is stated to be
living, the patent is issued and completed as a matter in course;
but if the person or persons in whose name the patent is
demanded claim by succession, either as immediate heirs or
under a devise, written proofs of their claim must be produced,
and the matter submitted by petition, accompanied by those
proofs, to the chancellor or judge, upon whose special order,
and not without, the patent is issued. If the claim is made
under a devise, an attested copy of the will must be exhibited.
If it is made on the ground of heirship, depositions, taken
before a magistrate, are required, stating the time when the
owner of the certificate died: the fact that he died intestate,
either generally or in respect to the particular land in question,
in which last case, however, a copy of the will serves to
substantiate the fact, and, so far as the interest of general heirs
is to be shewn, these depositions must state the names, and,
as nearly as may be, the ages, of these heirs, being, in the first
place, the children of the deceased, surviving at his death;¾
then, the grand children claiming through any of the immediate

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 493   View pdf image (33K)
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