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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 448   View pdf image (33K)
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other person; but I know of no rule or practice which
directs that in every case whatever an equitable interest in an
elder grant shall be a ground for a warrant of resurvey.¾ See
the case of Schofield, in point, as to a certificate of resurvey
on an unpatented certificate. If there are other cases in
which an equitable interest has been deemed sufficient, they
can be shewn, and the court will judge of them
¾ I am
reminded of the case of a mortgagor taking out a warrant of
resurvey: It may not be proper for me to attempt to inform
the court, by making distinctions, but I trust I may be
excused for saying that it is a rule in the court of chancery to
consider either the mortgagor or the mortgagee as the legal tenant,
just as convenience requires; that is to say, if it be
convenient for the mortgagor to be so considered, and not
injurious to the mortgagee, the court will consider the mortgagor
as the legal tenant notwithstanding his conveyance
¾ It is
well known that a positive law of 1789 directs the chancellor
in the land office to decide on the established rules of chancery.

    7th Question. Whether or not do you know any instance
under the proprietary government where a person taking out
a warrant of resurvey on a tract of land and returning a
certificate including vacancy, and compounding for the said
vacancy at a time when no other person had by any act obtained an
interest therein, being, by refusal of a grant for it deprived of
the vacancy so taken up and paid for because he had not a
legal title to the original? if so, in what case, and between

    Answer. In my answer I might say this question is too
indefinite, for this simple reason, that it involves a variety of
points. 1st Whether any other person had obtained an
interest might be difficult for the chancellor to decide, supposing
him even referred to a particular case in which the question
should be made. Upon the whole, I can only say I know of
no such case as is stated in this question: I do not recollect a
case where a man taking out a warrant of resurvey, returning
thereon a certificate, and compounding on it, has been
deprived of the vacancy because he had not a legal title to the
original: but by saying this I do not mean that there can be no
such case, or that there ought to be no such case. I only say
I do not remember such a case decided by myself: as to
former cases I must depend on the register's information, or
records or papers which I peruse over occasionally.

    8th Question. Whether or not do you know of any
instance where patents were refused by the judge of the land
office under the proprietary government, though the
certificates were not caveated, except where the certificates were
supposed to interfere with the proprietor's manors or reserves?
if so, in what cases, and for what reasons?

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 448   View pdf image (33K)
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