under the several acts of the legislature to the bounty of
lands, and that there ought to be about one hundred lots set
apart to fulfil the engagements of lands to recruiting officers,¾
the quantity of two thousand five hundred and seventy-five
of the aforesaid lots, (lying in the most fertile part of the
county, and contained in the following limits, to wit, beginning
at the mouth of Savage river, and running with the north branch
of Patowmack river to the head thereof, then north with the
(" present") supposed boundary line of Maryland until the
intersection of an east line, to be drawn from the said
boundary line with a north course from the mouth of Savage river,
would include the number of lots aforesaid,) should be
distributed by lot among the said soldiers and recruiting officers,
and their legal representatives, by a commissioner or
commissioners, not exceeding three, to be appointed by the
governor and council for that and other purposes presently to
be noticed.
This provision went to the fulfillment of all the
engagements acknowledged and recited by the act: but the
legislature thought proper to go further, and proceeded to direct
that, part of the remaining lots should be distributed, by
lottery, among the officers, and the representatives of the
officers of the Maryland line who served to the end of the war,
who were deranged by any of the reforms of the army, who
were killed, or died of their wounds received in battle, those
who were disabled from further service by wounds received,
and in consequence thereof retired, and those who died a
natural death while in the service with the army; each officer,
or his representative, to have four lots: that the lots so granted
should be adjacent to those directed to be distributed among
the soldiers, and should be contained within the following
limits, viz. by extending the aforesaid north course from the
mouth of Savage river until its intersection with an east line
to be drawn from the aforesaid supposed boundary of
Maryland would include the requisite number, allowing to each
officer four lots as aforesaid; and that the said lots should be
distributed, by lot, among the said officers, and their
representatives, by the aforesaid commissioners, each ticket to
contain four lots, contiguous to each other, or as nearly so as
might be.
The act directed further that the auditor-general should
furnish the said commissioners with a list of the officers and
soldiers entitled as aforesaid, and that no draught should be
made for any officer or soldier whose name was not on that
list; that after the draught (or lottery) the name of each
officer and soldier should be endorsed on the ticket containing
the number or numbers (written at length) which had been
drawn by or for such officer or soldier, who (or his representative)
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