will be recollected, were still to be returned, after
examination, to the western shore land office under all warrants
issued before the first day of March 1796, and the general
regulation of the act of 1795, ch. 88, required that all
certificates of survey or resurvey should thenceforward be returned
by the first of July then ensuing, or within eighteen months
from the date of the warrants. This act, after reciting that
many inhabitants of the eastern shore had, through want of
information of the last mentioned provision, omitted to
comply with its directions, gave them until the first of July 1797,
to return, and compound on, the certificates in question,
which it protected in the interim from proclamation or other
warrants, except so far as they were already affected by
warrants of proclamation or of resurvey, or by locations
actually made under common warrants. It is remarkable that
rights obtained under special warrants, so called, are not also
mentioned in this reservation. It corroborates an idea
arising from some other passages, that those warrants were
sometimes considered as a class of warrants of resurvey,
since the land which they were to affect, viz. cultivated
vacant land, was always supposed to have been formerly
IT has been already observed that land accounted vacant,
as not having been granted to individuals or laid off and
reserved for the use of the proprietary, was in no manner
comprehended by the state laws under the description of
confiscated British property: the same may be said of land
escheat for want of heirs, and of vacancy taken up by
survey but not compounded on. The disposal of these was
thrown into the customary channel of the land office. But,
besides the landed property of individuals which fell under
the act of confiscation, or was forfeited for treason, the manors
and reserved lands, generally, belonging to the proprietary
himself, were placed in the care of commissioners appointed
for that purpose, and the state's right therein from time to
time disposed of by those commissioners, and ultimately by
either officers, under a great variety of regulations, in which,
so far as related to granting titles to the purchasers of such