that the early emigrations consisted of companies of people,
brought out under the patronage of persons of ability who in
having been at the expence of their transportation acquired a
right not merely to as much land as those individuals would
separately have been entitled to, but to quantities in an
advanced proportion according to the number of dependents
thus emigrating, under their protection. It will be seen
also that the terms were varied according to the periods of
emigration, doubtless upon the principle that the
inconveniences and dangers of the undertaking were gradually
diminishing, and the lands still faster acquiring a real value.
The conditions required that the persons by or for whom land
might be claimed should have come into the province " to
" inhabit and plant there," and this provision was
afterwards, in particular cases at least, reduced to an express
stipulation for a certain number of years. The grants to the
Adventurers were, as appears by subsequent declarations to
be of an indefeasable Estate of Inheritance in fee simple to
them and their heirs forever; for which the Act of
immigration for the purpose of settling in the Province was the sole
condition of purchase, but with a perpetual reserved rent in
every case; this being the basis of the Revenue which the
Proprietary meant to draw from his acquisition, independent
of the product or profits of those lands which he from time to
time directed to be reserved and retained for his permanent
Estate. Finally, in order to give the greater dignity and
strength to this new Establishment and pursuing the spirit of
the Charter in regard to the Article of tenure, which at that
time formed a part of all grants from persons capable of
prescribing it, the Proprietary directed that every distinct
body of one, two, or three thousand acres so to be passed and
granted to any Adventurer, should be erected into a manor,
by such name as the owner should desire, with the
privileges of Court Baron and Court Leet, for which purpose as
well as for common or freehold grants the necessary (a) forms
were transmitted.
Soon after these conditions the Proprietary by the following
Letter directed certain portions of the town lands of St.
Mary's to be granted to the first Adventurers, and smaller
quantities to those of subsequent periods up to the 13th of
August 1638.
(L.S.) " I would have you to pass in Free-hold to every
" of the first Adventurers that shall claim or desire it,
(a) These forms are not now to be found otherwise than in the
Patents, &c. drawn, it is presumed, in conformity with them.