" Whereupon it was considered, that for the future the
said clause be amended in all patents hereafter to be passed,
viz. Whereas it hath been said, (Provided that if the said
A B, meaning the patentee) his heirs or assigns, shall not
pay unto us or our heirs, or such officer or officers as
aforesaid, the said sum for a fine, before such alienation, and
enter the said alienation upon record, &c. lett be thus
expressed, viz. (Provided that if the said sum for a fine for
alienation shall not be paid unto us or our heirs, or such officer
or officers as aforesaid, and such alienation entered upon
record, &c.")
LIBER C. B. folio 53.
" Instructions from his excellency Robert Eden, Esq.
governor of the province of Maryland, to Benedict Culvert and
George Steuart, Esq's judges of the land office of the said
" You shall not suffer warrants of any kind to issue out of
the land office of this province, until such time as you shall
receive instructions from myself, or the governor and
commander in chief for the time being to the contrary, that is
to say,
" Warrants for uncultivated vacant lands, warrants for
cultivated vacant lands, warrants of resurvey, escheat warrrants,
or warrants on the proclamation.
" But if any receipt for caution money pay'd to the agent,
shall be brought to you, bearing date before the 9th day of
this instant, you may issue warrants to such person or
persons; and all warrants that bear date on or before that day,
may be renewed as usually. Given under my hand and seal,
this 10th day of March 1772."
N. B. This suspension is supposed to have been occasioned by the
death of Frederick lord Baltimore. Nothing but renewals, and warrants
for caution already paid, are found after this, until the 30th of May 1773;
Benedict Calvert and George Stuart, Esqrs. having received a commission
as judges of the land office from the new proprietary the preceding
" Annapolis, 6th October 1774.
" By virtue of an instruction from Hugh Hamersly,
Esquire, one of the guardians of the right honourable
Henry Harford, Esq. proprietor of Maryland, dated at
Spring Gardens, Westminster, the 30th of July 1774, I am
directed to signify unto you, that it is the pleasure of the
lord proprietary's guardians, that all further proceedings upon
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