and others requiring the same according to such
precepts, orders and warrants as shall be legally and duly
obtained and to them respectively directed upon such
conditions and terms as formerly such commissions have been
granted, the said deputies surveyors to be responsible and pay for
the same to his lordship or such person or persons as his
lordship shall hereafter appoint to receive the same, in such
manner as hath been formerly accustomed to be paid by them
respectively for their severall and respective offices, (viz.)
Here follows a list of persons to be commissioned, which it is not
necessary to insert; but it is proper to mention that these Commissions were
issued on occasion of the surveyor general's office becoming vacant by
the disqualification of colonel Talbot, in consequence of the misfortune
which has heretofore been noticed. The deputy governors were much
perplexed about the proper method of proceeding in this emergency, and
at first proposed to commission the surveyors for three months only, in
which time it was presumable that the proprietary's pleasure would be
signified (from England) concerning a successor to Talbot. It will be
perceived by the above order that those offices were absolutely sold, as
were most others in the province, more especially in the time of the
kingly government. The commission below is inserted chiefly to shew
what is said about the forms of surveys.
" Richard Beard's ) Charles absolute lord and
comon. depty. survr. ) proprietary of the province of Maryland and
of Ann Arundel ) Avalon lord baron of Baltimore, &c.
county. )
" To Richard Beard of Ann Arundell county, gentleman,
greeting: Out of the especial trust and confidence we have in
your truth, fidelity and integrity, as also in your art, skill
and knowledge in the art of surveying; we have constituted,
ordained and appointed, and by these presents Wee Doe
constitute, ordain and appoint you the said Richard Beard to
be deputy surveyor of the county aforesaid in its utmost
latitude and extent, giveing and granting unto you hereby full
power and authority to survey and resurvey lands within the
said county, according to such warrants as you shall receive,
and in all things to act, doe and perform as to the place and
office of deputy surveyor belonging, or as any deputy
surveyor may or of right ought to doe; and to receive and take
all such profits, fees and perquisites as shall be legally due
for the same, according to act of assembly in that case made
and provided.
" Provided you shall not at any time make any survey or
resurvey contrary to the conditions of plantation of this our
province, by laying out the long lands on the water, (unless
upon resurveys by your warrant particularly and specially
commanded soe to doe, by going according to the ancient
metes and bounds) or run within any reserve made for his
lordship or otherwise act against the tenor of the said
conditions, but shall duly, truly and punctually observe the same
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