issued¾say, " beginning (or lastly, beginning as the case
may be) for the out lines of the resurvey, by virtue of the
beforementioned warrant¾at the end of perches and
links in the line (or course) of," with
regard to all other particulars, you are to observe the directions
given you by these instructions.
" 12th. You are (when directed to include vacancy) to
take in the whole, except the quantity be more than the
petitioner chuses to take up, in which case the remainder is not
to be less than one hundred acres, and that to be left in a body
intire, for you are by no means to leave small parcels in slipes,
or otherwise, nor are you to run in any elder survey, or run
a string or line across any surveyed land whatever, (although
it should belong to the person obtaining the warrant of
resurvey) in order to include vacancy; but such vacancy shall
be taken up by a common or other special warrant, as the case
may require, unless the party resurveys the tract, or tracts,
(being his own) to which it is adjoining, be it in one or more
parcels. In your certificate (immediately before you begin
to describe the out lines of the resurvey for which patent is to
issue) you are to in insert the quantity of vacant land so
taken up ¾on the plot returned with the certificate where
vacancy shall be added, you are to insert the words (" vacancy,
acres,") if it be in more parcels than one, then in each of
the said parcels insert (1st. 2d. or 3d.) vacancy acres:
also in your plot on the out side of the lines of each
vacancy, you are to insert the names of the lands, or of the
owners of the several tracts surrounding it; and at the
bottom of your certificate, you are to give tables of courses,
referring by figure to the plot, as before directed.
" 13th. You are not upon resurveying any original, or
former survey of a tract of land, to call in your certificate
of resurvey for a boundary, or line of any other tract of
land, unless such boundary, or line be expressly called for
in the certificate of such original, or former survey; and
where you propose running to such boundary, or line as
being called for in such original, or former certificate, you are
hereby required to measure the true distance to such
boundary, or line; and when you are to run with such or any
other particular line of a former survey, you are actually to
measure the true distance that you shall run with such line,
and you are to be particularly careful that you are not
imposed on with regard to the truth of such boundary, or course,
or length of such line: nor are you to return to the land
office any plot, or certificate for land of which either you, or
your assistant have not actually measured every line.
" 14th. You are not to locate any common warrant (or
execute a warrant of resurvey to include vacancy) on his lordship's
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