lease so granted:¾He was to receive, from the immediate
collectors of them, the alienation fines, the collection of which
these instructions permitted to be transferred from the clerks,
or the private agents theretofore employed, to the farmers of
the quit rents, and to receive all fines and forfeitures
becoming due to his lordship under acts of Assembly, or at
common law, which were in the first instance to be collected
by the sheriffs: He was, like other officers, to use his
utmost endeavours to discover lands omitted on the rent rolls,
and was to render an annual account to the revenue board of all
his transactions.
The proprietary not satisfied with all these arrangements,
erected another office under the denomination of supervisor
of accounts, lands, and revenues in and from the province of
Maryland, which was vested in John Morton Jordan Esq. then
in England, by a short kind of commission dated the 16th
August, 1768, which authorised him to open a correspondence
with such persons as he might think qualified to give
information or assitance towards the improvement or collection of
the proprietary's revenues, or the better regulation of his
manors; and directed that the board of revenue should
transmit yearly, a double set of accounts to England, one to
the said supervisor, and the other to Hugh Hammersly,
Esq. his lordship's secretary, and that the said board should
receive and pay proper attention to whatever information
and assistance Mr. Jordan might from time to time
communicate to them. This commission however did not long
remain in force. Mr. Jordan was sent over to Maryland in the
character of agent and receiver general, and dying soon
after, was succeeded by Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, Esq.
who had, before, held that office under the appointment of the
revenue board, and who now continued to hold it until the
proprietary rights were dissolved by the revolution.
The proceedings of the board of revenue shew in a strong
manner the propensity of the old government to view the
land office as a private revenue establishment, not subject to
the controul or inspection of the regular provincial
authorities. They were, indeed, the same persons who held
responsible offices in the government; ¾the governor being one,
and the others being generally, besides their particular posts,
members of the council; but it was as a board of revenue
agents alone that they acted in land affairs. Until then,
whatever appeal there was from the decisions of the judges of
the land office was to the governor, either as such or in the
character of chancellor. This board not only assumed an
appellate jurisdiction in contests in the land office but
undertook to act upon various applications that had not even
passed through that office. Their proceedings, in short, began to
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