England; and all those that do not take such an oath, shall
lose all their lands as seized for his lordship's use; the
execution whereof eficatiously to be performed, he requireth
and chargeth his officers in his own name to attend unto.¾
The assembly cannot see how they that have rights to land,
can without collusion and deceit to him and themselves,
apply themselves for rights of land to the said lord Baltemore,
or his officers, that all those that transport themselves or others
into this province, have a right to land by vertue of their
transportation, that every one may enter their rights of land
in their severall respective courts, and also may enter a
caveat for such a particular tract of land as they have or shall
take upp."
" Passed at an assembly commencing the 20th of October,
LIBER No. 3, fol. 431.
" An act concerning deserted plantations.
" Whereas divers persons who have heretofore taken up
land within this province, have neglected the seating thereof
for a long time, and others that have seated plantations have
againe deserted them, suffering their said land and
plantations to lye waste, and uninhabited, keeping their titles
thereto nevertheless still on foot, whereby others are hindred from
taking the same up and seating near together for the common
security, which is found to be very inconvenient to the
commonwealth, and a great injury to the lord proprietary in the
loss of his rent, and otherwise. Be it therefore enacted, by
the lord proprietary, with the advice and assent of the
upper and lower house of this assembly, that for all mannors,
lands and plantations within this province, which have
heretofore been either taken up or seated, and for four years last
past, or longer, deserted or left uninhabited, by such as have or
might have claimed right thereto, and his lordship's rents not
paid, in case such person or persons (except orphans under
sixteen years of age) as claim any right therein, shall not some
time before the five and twentieth day of March next make
such then right thereto appear respectively, and having not
had any grant heretofore thereof legally passed unto him or
them, demand grants thereof under the great seal of the
province, and satisfie all rents for the same arreare to his
lordship, it shall be at any time then afterwards lawfull for his
lordship, or his heirs, lords and proprietary's of this province,
or his or their lieutenant or chiefe governour of the province
for the time being, lawfully authorized for granting of lands
within this province, to grant the same or any part thereof, to
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