" His excellency is pleased to lay before this board, an
instruction from the lord proprietary to him, in the following
" You shall at such times, and in such manner as may be
" proper and convenient, give directions to our agent, and
" the several receivers of our quit-rents, not to insist on or
" receive from any person whatsoever, any fine or fines on or
" for any lands which have been or shall be alieniated by
" devise."
" It is the humble advice of this board to his excellency,
that he be pleased to order proclamation to issue notifying the
same, which proclamation being prepared, is read and
aproved of, and issued accordingly."
" By his excellency Thomas Bladen, Esq. Governor and
commander in chief in and over the province of Maryland,
" Whereas some uneasiness have arisen concerning the
right of his lordship, the lord proprietary, to alienation fines
on devises of lands, and that his lordship, desirous to shew
his readiness to give his tenants ease and satisfaction, in
whatever may be thought reasonable in any degree, though to the
diminution of his own strictly legal rights, hath been pleased
to direct orders should be given to his agent, and the several
receivers of his quit rents, not to insist on or receive from
any person whatsoever, any fine or fines on or for any lands
which have been or shall be alienated by devise, to the end
his lordship's pleasure may be known, and that all persons
concerned may have due notice thereof, I have thought fit, by
and with the advice of his lordship's council of state, to
issue this my proclamation, strictly charging and requiring the
several sheriffs of this province to make this my proclamation
publick in their respective counties, in the usual manner, that
all persons concerned may conform themselves thereto, as
they will answer to the contrary at their peril. Given at the
city of Annapolis, this 20th day of October, in the 28th year
of his lordship's dominion, Annoq. Domini, 1742.
J.ROSS , Cl. Coun."
COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, commencing 1738.
" My LORD,
" We beg leave to represent to your lordship, that
Coll. Gale, some time before his death, had given directions
to the surveyors of the two lower countys, on the Eastern
Shore, to lay out lands upon the borders thereof, for any
persons that should apply for them, upon their giving bond for