" Orders and instructions to our trusty and
(L.S.) well beloved Edmond Jennings, Esq.
secretary and judge of our land office, in the
province of Maryland.
" 1st. No lands shall be hereafter granted upon any new
warrant hereafter to be issued, under reservation of a lesser
rent than ten shillings sterling for every hundred acres, unless
our chancellor, together with you our judge in our land
office, shall for any particular lands on the frontiers or borders
of our province, think a less rent more reasonable, in which
cases such lands may be granted for such less rent as to our
said chancellor and yourselfe shall seem proper.
" 2dly. In all disputes which shall come before you, as
judge in our said office you shall be assisted in the
determination thereof by our chancellor for the time being.
" 3dly. You shall not permit any warrant to issue, or other
act or thing to be done in your office, which may entitle any
person to any lands within this our province, until our gent.
together with our chancellor, shall have certified under their
hands, that the money due to us for the caution, or for the
warrant or lands have been paid.
" 4thly. No grants or pattents shall pass for any lands,
hereafter to be granted unto the governor, chancellor,
secretary, commissary, judge of the land office, agent or atttorney
general, or to themselves, wives or children, until our leave
and pleasure shall be first had and obtained therein. But it
is our will and pleasure, that the governor, chancellor,
secretary, commissary, judge of the land office, agent, or attorney
general, or their wives and children, may, by a warrant and a
location thereof, and a survey under the same, intitle
themselves to the preference of lands liable to be granted, untill
our said pleasure shall be had therein, as aforesaid.
" 5thly. In all affairs in our said land office, which may
relate to yourselfe, wife or own children, the chancellor shall
determine and direct the same, and shall also instead of
yourselfe, sign what may relate thereto.
" 6th. You shall keep authentick records of all your
" 7th. You shall not suffer takers up of land to string the
same, but oblidge to make their surveys as little indented as
" 8th. You are to return yearly to the keeper or keepers
of the rent roll, for the time being, an abstract of all the lands
upon comon warrants, held by certificates upon record, and
also what certificates are recorded upon warrants of resurvey,
and in the abstract of such, to mention the names of the
original tracts included in such resurvey; and if any certificates