duly returned into the secretary's office, where they were
eaten by the rats, and " never as yet entered upon record,"
he prays therefore that two certificates annexed to his
petition, which are proved by the oath of John Stanley, the
surveyor, to be true copies of the former, taken out of his book
of surveys, may be entered upon record, and that patents
may issue to him the petitioner for the same."
" Ordered that the certificates in the petition mentioned
" be entered upon record in the land office, and (the
" conditions of plantation being performed, as is alledged) pattents
" issue for the same as prayed."
COUNCIL BOOK, C. B. fol. 304, an. 1683.
Party certificate received where the office certificate is found
" At a " Provincial Court" held at Saint Mary's the 12th
November, 1673.
" Thomas Pratt of Ann Arundel county, represents that
in the certificate of resurvey made for him by George Yeate,
and returned to the office, one line of the land was left out by
mistake of the said Yeate ¾he therefore prays that a copy of
the certificate (the said omission excepted) annexed to his
petition and signed by the said surveyor may be received, and
that the former certificate my be vacated upon record and
patent issued to him on the new one.¾Which the court ordered
COUNCIL BOOK, No. 17, fol. 580.
Irregular survey confirmed.
At foot of the record of a certificate returned in 1668
for Oliver Spry, is the following order.
" Whereas the land in the foregoing certificate was
surveved by the deputy surveyor, after the force and date of the
return of the warrant by virtue of which the same was
surveyed; wherefore by order from the right honourable Charles
Calvert, Esq. lieutenant generall of this province the
aforesaid land is fully confirmed and allowed of as if the same had
been surveved by special warrant, &c."
COUNCIL BOOK, No. 11, fol. 511.
Patent ordered although warrant not found.
" Forasmuch as I formerly granted unto colonel William
" Chandler a warrant for 200 acres of land, which was laid
" out by captain Randolph Brandt of Charles county, in
" Paguiah Manor and certificate thereof returned as I am