in his decree, and obtained in 1751, an order that the circle
round Newcastle should, in regard to its distance from the
town, be computed by horizontal and not by superficial
measure, and that the fifteen miles south of Philadelphia should
be measured in the same manner. In the same year Charles
lord Baltimore died, leaving his son Frederick, a minor, and,
through circumstances not material to trace, the final
adjustment of these disputes was put off until the year 1760, when an
an instrument of agreement bearing date the 4th of July in that
year and reciting at large the agreement of 1732, and the decree
in chancery, and grounded expressly upon these, was
executed by Frederick lord Baltimore and by Thomas and Richard
Penn, Esq'rs. the surviving sons and representatives of the
founder of Pennsylvania; in pursuance of which
commissioners were again appointed by the two parties, who commenced
their operations in the same year, and the commission on each
side being continued by new appointments, as occasion
required, on the 9th of November 1768, they agreed to, and
mutually signed, a report of their proceedings, and a map or
plan of their surveys of the part of a circle round
Newcastle, and the divisional lines; the last due west line having
been actually run two hundred and thirty miles, and marked
by mile stones one hundred and thirty two miles from the
place of beginning. This agreement embraced and
confirmed, agreeably to the lord chancellor's decree, all the articles of
that of 1732, and in this way the (n) disputes between
Maryland and Pennsylvania were finally terminated. Some further
questions remained however concerning the western boundary
(n ) There are some circumstances in the contest with Pennsylvania
which have been passed over in this recital, as belonging in some degree
to the article of conditions of plantation. These are the extraordinary
measures taken on the part of Maryland to settle and maintain possession
of the district at the head of the bay, then called New Ireland, granted
by patent to colonel George Talbot, and in particular the lands about
Christiana Bridge, at which spot a fort was built and garrisoned with a small
company or guard of men engaged for the purpose. This proceeding
commenced by a set of instructions to Talbot dated the 12th of March, 1683,
which was followed by several commissions to that gentleman, appointing
him deputy of the north and north east confines of the province,
authorising him to dispose of lands in that quarter; to lease any parts of the
proprietary's two manors there upon particular terms therein specified, &c.
The execution of these extensive powers was soon interrupted by the
unfortunate incident already noticed of his murdering Mr. Rousby the
collector by stabbing him, it is not known upon what provocation, on board a
vessel in Patuxent river. The proceedings in 1685, respecting the
Delaware settlement put a stop also to lord Baltimore's pretensions upon
Newcastle and the adjacent territory. As for colonel Talbot, he was
conveyed for trial to Virginia, from whence he made his escape and after
being retaken, and, I believe, tried and convicted, was finally pardoned by
King James II. The various conditions and provisions concerning the
settlement of the disputed lands, as they illustrate no general system are not
thought to require notice further than what they receive incidentally
among the conditions of plantation.
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