executed¾Lord Baltimore submitted, happy that he had
been deprived of no more, since a writ of quo warranto had
been issued against his charter¾His contention however with
Mr. Penn, relative to the extent of the two provinces did not
cease here, but, on the contrary, rose into an irreconcileable
difference of opinions and views, producing numerous
instances of aggression, and of hostility, attended, in more
than one case, with fatal consequences, and giving rise to a
succession of proceedings so numerous that the slighest
notice of them is more than could be conveniently added to
this (already too long) digression from our main subject. I
shall therefore not attempt it, but having shewn how the
dispute arose, to wit, concerning the termination of the
northerly line of Maryland, in which was necessarily involved the
beginning of the long western line to the fountain heads of the
Potomack, I shall as briefly as possible state the manner in
which it was concluded.
It appears that much depended on a true delineation or
map of the peninsula which was to be divided, and in
particular a true location of Cape Henlopen, from which the cross
line was to set out. To obtain these, commissioners had in
the time of Charles lord Baltimore, grandson of the
original disputant, been employed on the spot, by both parties, and
when a map was prepared to the mutual satisfaction of these
commissioners, it was sent to England and made the
foundation of an agreement entered into and duly executed on the
10th of May 1732, for terminating all differences respecting
the limits of the two provinces. By this instrument a circle
was in the first place to be drawn about Newcastle, at the
distance of twelve miles therefrom, agreeably to former
stipulations, contained in the charter of Pennsylvania, and the
feoffment from the duke of York, respecting that town: a
due east and west line was then to be drawn across the
peninsula from the eastermost part of (k) Cape Henlopen as laid
down in the aforesaid map, to run from thence towards the
Chesapeak, but to stop in the exact middle, and from thence,
a straight line to be run up northward, till it should so touch
the western part of the periphery of the aforesaid circle as
to make a tangent thereto; which line was to be so run
although it should not be, as near north and south as was
supposed, and was, if necessary, to run above the peninsula, till
it made the tangent aforesaid, and there to stop: ¾that from
the north point or end of this line, determined by the said
(k) The cross line sets out from Fenwick's Island, a great distance
below Cape Henlopen as laid down in Griffith's map of Maryland, but
that place was then called Cape Cornelius, and Henlopen was held to be
further down.
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