" return of the said survey into the office at St. Mary's, and
" for so doing this shall be your warrant. Given under my
" hand this fourteenth day of June, one thousand six
" hundred sixty five.
" To Jerome White, Esq. surveyor
" general or his deputy."
LIBER, No.7, fol. 608.
Warrant of Resurvey founded on an alledged deficiency in the
original, and containing a direction to the surveyor to make
good the deficiency on any land not already surveyed or
" Whereas I am informed by Mr. John Lewger, how the
lines expressed in the patent of Thomas Simpson doth not
contain by a great deal the quantity of acres, there menconed,
therefore I would desire of your honour to grant a warrant to
resurvey the said land and to allow in the said survey the
quantity of land due to the said Thomas Simpson, being not
yett surveyd by no man, and you will oblidge your very
oblidged servant.
The eighteenth of February one thousand six hundred
sixty four.
To the hon'ble the lieu't generall."
" I would have you give the bearer hereof a warrant to
resurvey his land and direct it to Mr. White.
" Whereas Thomas Simpson hath a parcell of land called
Simpson, containing (as by former survey three hundred and
fifty acres which as alledged) holds forth not near the said
quantity. These are therefore to require you to resurvey the
said land, and what shall fall short in the whole quantity of
three hundred and fifty acres to lay it out elsewhere, where
the said Thomas Simpson shall like of in any part of this
province not formerly taken nor reserved for his lordship's use,
and return your certificate of survey with the name of the
place, of what mannor to be held, and in what county it lieth
in, into the secretary's office by the ninth day of August next,
and for so doing this shall be your warrant. Given under my
hand this sixth day of February one thousand six hundred
sixty four.
To Jerome White, Esq. surveyor generall or his deputy."
LIBER, No. 7, fol. 508.
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