Gaul, Michael, 121
Geddes, David, 26, 55
General Assembly:
Acts published, 198
Acts translated, 96
and election of Governor, 58, 153, 235, 259,
and election of Governor's Council, 58, 153,
235. 300
Stationery supplied, 98
Wood purchased for, 138
General Board of Commissioners, 14
General Court:
Appeal from, 302
Clerk, 4
Judges appointed, 51, 96, 98, 218, 223
Judges salary paid, 113, 120, 242, 252, 271,
300, 337> 352
Office, 87, 334
and officers qualification, 301
records, 194
transcribed, 184
General Court for the Eastern Shore, 199
General Court for the Western Shore, 163, 186,
A General Dictionary of the English Language,
by Thomas Sheridan, xii
Gent, Thomas, 123, 124
George, Sidney, 67, 169, 175, 238, 246, 268,
George Town District, 160
Georgetown Warehouse, Montgomery County,
79, 159, 1 75. 253
German Regiment, 240, 257, 301
Gibson, William, 33
Woolman, 238, 268, 312, 316
Woodman, Jr., 169
Gill, John, 273
Nicholas, 72
Robert, 118, 119
Stephen, 124
Step., of Jno., 123, 124
Step Garrett, 124
Gillespie, Charles, 125
Gilliss, Ezekiel, 74
William, 74
Gilmer, Robert, & Co., 26
Gilmour, William, 285, 289, 291, 292, 296, 303,
307. 326, 333, 338, 339> 34i, 342, 344, 346,
350, 353. 356
Gilpin, Joseph, 67
Samuel, 24, 74, 166, 167, 175, 265, 268
Gilpins Point Warehouse, Caroline County, 93
Gist, General, 240
George, 119, 128
Thomas, n, 124
Gittings, James, 76
Glassford and Co., 238
Glenn, Samuel, 67, 169, 238, 310, 317, 331
Goddard & Angell, 131, 295
Godman, Samuel, 251, 31 2, 315
Goldsborough, Charles, of Charles, 166, 168,
Henry, 292
Robert, 51,98,223
William, 199
Goldsmith, William, 226
Good, Adam, 210
William, 68, 75, 171, 199, 313, 315
Gooding, John, 311,316
Goodrick, Charles, 127
Goodwin, Dr. Lyde, n, 45, 51, 70, 76, 89, 128,
211, 245, 247, 277, 279, 283, 306, 313, 31?,
William, 75, 121, 128, 211, 298
Gorsuch, Ch's., 113
David, 124
Elisha, 124
Robert, 225
Thos., 113
Cottier, Francis, 178
Cover, Jarrett, 304
William, 123
Government House, 85
Repairs to, 1,91, 179, 193
Account passed by, 94, 104, 132, 193, 216,
234, 3°8
Death of, 254
Election of, 58, 153, 235, 259, 300
Qualification, 58, 153, 235, 262, 300
Governor's Council:
Member's election, 58, 153, 245, 246
Member's qualification, 59, 62, 154, 155, 235,
248, aooff.
Member's salary paid, 7, 22, 24, 37, 43, 44,
46, 49, 56, 57, 81, 84, 99, 100, 108, i28ff.,
145, 173, 175, 182, 192, 193, 23iff., 251,
252, 254, 266, 273, 285, 286, 297ff., 321,
322, 333, 336, 344, 350, 352
Paper purchased for, 155