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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 145   View pdf image (33K)
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"14 Nov. 1788—1,? Nov. 1791" 145

[p. 229] Monday 1st. November 1790

The Council met.

Pres't. His Excell'y. John Eager Howard Esquire

The Hon'ble. James Brice

John Davidson

William Hindman

Randolph B. Latimer Esquires

The Council adjourned till tomorrow morning.

Tuesday 2d. November 1790

The Council met.

Present as on yesterday.

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to James Brice Esqr. fifty pounds for
one quarter's Salary as a Member of the Council,

That the said Treasurer pay to John Davidson Esqr. fifty pounds for one quarter's
Salary as a Member of the Council,

That the said Treasurer pay to Randolph Brandt Latimer Esquire fifty pounds for one
quarter's Salary as a Member of the Council,

That the said Treasurer pay to William Hindman Esqr. fifty pounds for one quarter's
Salary as a Member of the Council,

That the said Treasurer pay to Robert Denny fifty pounds for one quarter's Salary as
Auditor General due the 1st. instant.

That the said Treasurer pay to Henry Ridgely Esquire fifteen pounds for Six Months
salary as Clerk of the Senate due the 1st. instant.

The Hon'ble. John Kilty Esquire attended.

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Jubb Fowler ten shillings per Account
passed by the Auditor and also the further Sum of Eighteen pounds fifteen shillings for One
quarters Salary as messenger to the Council and keeper of the Stadt house due the 1st. instant.

That the said Treasurer pay to John Kilty Esqr. fifty pounds for one quarter's Salary
as a Member of the Council, [p. 230,]

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Colo. John H. Stone forty two pounds,
three shillings and nine pence for three Months half pay due him the 1st. instant.

In Council November 2d. 1790

The Board being in possession of returns from all the Counties, and the city of Annapolis
and town of Baltimore of the election lately held for the choice of representatives in the
Congress of the United States, proceeded agreeably to the directions of the Act of Assembly
in that case provided, to enumerate and ascertain the votes given for each person voted for as
aforesaid, when it appeared that the Honorable Samuel Sterett, William Pinkney, Joshua
Seney, William Vans Murray, Philip Key, and Upton Sheredine Esquires had the greatest
number of Votes whereforce it is declared that the said Samuel Sterett, William Pinkney,
Joshua Seney, William Vans Murray, Philip Key and Upton Sheredine are duly elected
Representatives of this State in the Congress of the United States.

His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable John Kilty Esquire give notice to the


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 145   View pdf image (33K)
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