Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789. 7
Wright Esquires.
The Council adjourned 'till Monday 11 o'clock.
Monday 13th. December 1784
The Council met.
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor.
The Honorable
Charles Wallace, Aquila Paca and John Davidson Esquires.
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow 11 o'clock.
Tuesday 14th. December 1784
The Council met.
Present as on Yesterday.
A Petition from John Specie of Baltimore County, was laid before
the Board, setting forth, that he was presented to the Grand Jury of
the said County for selling Liquors without License, and keeping a
disorderly House, in consequence of said Presentment he was taken
into Custody and confined in Baltimore County Gaol, where he re-
mained until the following Criminal Court, that his case was sub-
mitted to the Court who thereupon fined him a Sum of Money, which
he was unable to pay, [p 8] Consequently he was remanded
to Prison, where he now remains, that his Wife (who is Blind) and
three small Children, have since his Confinement become a charge to
the Public, and four of the Justices of the said County having recom-
mended the said John Specie as an Object Worth of Relief, The
Board are of Opinion that the said fine be remitted, and do order and
direct a Remission accordingly.
Wm. Paca
Cha. Wallace
Aql. Paca
John Davidson
A Petition from Absalam Barney, and Jonathan Tipton of Balti-
more County was laid before the Board, setting forth that they con-
ceive themselves aggrieved by the forfeiture of a Recognizance in
Baltimore County Court for the Appearance of a certain William
Edger which they never entered into (and which was done as they
alledge by mistake) A Deposition being also laid before this Board
made by both of the Petitioners purporting that they never were
Securities for the Appearance of said Edger, and the Deposition of
Henry Hale of said County acknowledging that he was Security
for the Appearance of Edger, and also three of the Justices of the
County Court recommending a Remission of the said Forfeiture, the
Board taking the Same into Consideration are of Opinion that the