Moale, John, 17, 18, 84, 166, 233,
Mogg, Joseph, 135
Molleson, William & Robert, 44
Money, Loan of, 112
Money, Theft of, 276
Monocacy River, Ferry on, 218
Montgomery County: Coroners
appointed, 13
Montgomery County: County
Court, S, 8, 105, 218
Montgomery County: Court of
Appeals appointed, 114
Montgomery County: Inspec-
tors appointed, 184, 247, 253
Montgomery County: Justices
of the Peace appointed, 18,
84, 166, 233, 307
Montgomery County: Land as-
sessment, 98
Montgomery County: Orphans'
Court judges appointed, 18,
84, 166, 233, 313
Montgomery County: Petition,
8-9, 105
Montgomery County: Purchase
of land in, 311
Montgomery County: Sheriff
elected, S3, 294
Moore, John, 48
Moore, William, 1,5.5
Morgan, Nathaniel, 107
Morgan, William, 192
Morocco, Emperor of, 212, 220
Morris, William, 98, 119
Morris, Willing and Swanwick
see Willing, Morris and
Mortgage, payment of, 28
Morton, John, 20, 22, 85, 165,
212, 234, 306
Mouth of Conococheague Creek
Warehouse, Washington
County, 190
Muir, John, 220
Mullikin, Bell, 315
Mullikin, James, 20, 85, 124,
167, 234
Mumford, James, 36
Mumma, John, 284
Munroe, Daniel, 21
Munder, Presentment for, 27
Murdock, George, 17, 84, 98,
150, 151, 164, 233
Murphy, James, 54, 93
Murray, Dr. William, 113
Muster, Failure to attend, 29,
Muster Rolls, xi, xii
Nanjemoy Warehouse, Charles
County, 105, 189, 253
Nash, Lloyd, 40
Naturalization, 36, 39, 135, 272
318, 322
Naval Officer of First District
139, 143
Naval Officer of 3rd District
Naval Officer of 4th District,
Naval Officer of the 8th Dis-
trict, 58, 230
Naval Officer of the Ninth Dis-
trict, 15
Maval Officers: Appointment of,
xvii, 205, 206
Navigation Duties, 57
Neale, Bennett, 48
Meale, Dr. Francis, 194
Negroes Carried away by
British, 152
Nelson, John, 100
Slew George Town, Mont-
gomery County, 253
Newman, John, 186
Newport Warehouse, Worcester
County, 108, 190
Newspapers, Publication of res-
olutions in, 27, 35, 87, 212
Newton, William, 202
Nichola, Col. Lewis, 54
Nicholls, Jeremiah, 98, 165, 166,
181, 233, 312, 313
Nicholls, Robert, 191
Nichols, Robert Lloyd, 98
Nicholson, Benjamin, 106, 134,
146, 170, 188, 210, 239, 259,
280, 298, 330
Nicholson, John, 118, I20, 176
Nicholson, Joseph, 118
Ninth District Naval Officer,
Nisbett, Moses Walker, 174
Noble, John, 311
Noel, Edward, 37, 149, 150, 264,
Noland, Obadiah, 32, 33
Noland. William, 32, 33
Non-enroller, Assessment of,
Non-Jurors, Collection of treble
tax from, 63
Norton, Nathan, 16, 79, 164, 232
Norwood, Edward, 98, 113, 143,
Notary Public, Malconduct of,
198, 201, 222
Nottingham, Eleanor, 236
Nottingham Company, 45, 46, 48
Nottingham Warehouse, Prince
George's County, 102
Nutter, Huet, 49, 312
O'Bryan, James, 14, 39, 54, 295,
Offutt, James, 18, 84, 166, 233,
Ogle, Amos, 47
Ogle, Benjamin, 260
O'Hara, James, 4, 18, 20, 34
O'Neale, Anthony, 327
O'Ncal, Lawrence, 44 ff., 166,
233, 307, 313
O'Neill, Bernard, 107
Ordinances, 152
Ordinary licenses, S, 270, 319
Orme, Anne, 45
Orme, James, 184
Drphans, Maintenance of, 132
Orphans' Court, Judges of: Ap-
pointment, xvii
Orphans' Court Judges, Ap-
pointment of see under in-
dividual counties
Orr, Robert, 176
Drrick, James, 61, 291
Osborn, William, 107
Osborn, William, of Benja., 292
Osmont, Thomas, 182, 253
Ott, Adam, 54
Otter Point Warehouse, Har-
ford County, 108
Overseer of Roads: Appoint-
ment of, xvii
Overseer of the Roads, Appoint-
ment see under individual
Owings, Richard, of Samuel,
18, 84, 1 66, 233
Owings, Samuel, 38
Oxford Warehouse, Talbot
County, 100, 182, 253
Paca, Aquila, 1-64, 86, 128
Paca, William, xvi, 1-64, 99-146,
147, 174
Page, John, 72, 83, 98, 165, 233,
312, 313
Pages Warehouse, Kent County,
Palmer, William, 44, 61
Paper, Cost of, 159
Paper money emission, xv, xviii
The Papers of Thomas Jeffer-
son, edited by Julian P.
Boyd, xx
Parnham, John, 19, 22, 85, 165,
212, 306
Parker, Daniel, 58
Parker, William, of School-
field, 81
Parks, Philip, 35
Parramore, John, 13
Parsons, John, 148
Parsons Landing Warehouse,
Talbot County, 182, 253
"Part of the Vale of Eden,"
Patterson, Archibald, 190
Patterson, Samuel, 192
Patterson, William, 18
Pattison, Archibald, 37
Pattison, Richard, Jr., 58, 61
Patuxent, 112
Paymaster of the Barges, 11,
Payrolls, 169
Pearce, Henry Ward, Jr., 232
Pearce, Philip Crawford, 31
Pearson, Thomas, 301
Penalty Bond, 196
Pennsylvania, Land in, 28
Perkins, John, 83, 253
Perry, James, of James, 12
Peter, John, 46