Abell, Ignatius, 109, 289
Abell, John, 110, 168
Abell, John, youngest, 165, 234
Abell, John Horn, 110
Abell, Robert, 53
Abell, Samuel, 53
Accomack County, Va., 224
"An Act allowing a longer time
to compound on old Certifi-
cates and making further
regulations respecting the
Sale of Vacant Land," 266
"An Act ascertaining the Mode
of granting Titles to the
Purchasers of certain Con-
fiscated Property," 101, 136,
159, 160, 162
"An Act directing the time,
place and manner of hold-
ing Elections for Repre-
sentatives of this State in
Congress ..... ," 320
"An Act for the benefit of John
Frederick Amelung," 269
"An Act for the Collection of
the Tax due in Anne Arun-
del County for the Year
Seventeen hundred and
eighty six," 270
"Act for imposing of Duties,"
"Act for the Liquidation and
Payment of Debts, Sup-
plement to," 35
"An Act for the more effectual
punishment of criminals,"
"Act for Naturalization," 36, 39,
135, 318, 322
"Act for the relief of disabled
and maimed Officers, Sol-
diers, etc.," 54
"Act for the relief of Robert
Long of Baltimore County,"
"An Act for the relief of the
Widows of such Officers of
this State who died in the
Continental Service," 106,
115, 137, 138
"Act respecting the Commerce
of this State to prevent
Frauds in the Customs, to
direct the Duty of the Naval
Officers, and to regulate the
Conduct of Masters, and
Mariners of Merchant Ves-
sels," 15
"An Act respecting the Securi-
ties of public Debtors," 244
"Act to Adjust the Debts due
from this State," 88, 89, 92,
93, 95, 97, 100, 102, ff., 106
ff., 113, 115, 117, 122, 124,
131, 132, 137, ff., 146, 151,
156, 158, 159, 169, 170, 177,
181, 184 ff., 190 ff., 196, 200,
203 ff., 205, 208, 209, 213 ff.,
218, 223, 225, 229, 230, 232,
235, 244, 281, 283, 286, 289,
290, 292, 310, 311, 317, 328,
"Act to appoint an Intendant
of the Revenue," 16
"Act to ascertain the value of
the Land in the Several
Counties of this State for
the purpose of laying the
public Assessment," 97, 98
"An Act to Grant to Gabriel
Van Horn ..... ," 81
"Act to prevent the exportation
of Merchantable Tobacco,"
"An Act to seize, confiscate, and
appropriate all British Prop-
erty within this State," 35
"An act to vest certain powers
in the Governor and Coun-
cil," xviii, 96, 98, 102, 103,
112, 142, 194
Adams, [John], 152
Adams, Margaret, 311
Adams, William G., 105, 189,
Addison, Henry, 46
Administrator of estate, 28, 49,
122, 181, 230, 288
Adoption of child by State, 163
Agent: Appointment of, xviii,
Agent: Bank Stock, 120
Agent: Maryland Line, 158
Agent: Salary as, 156, 170
Airy, Thomas Hill, 37
Ake, Amelia, 27
Ake, Jacob, 27
Ake, John, 27
Alexander, Amos, 111
Alexander, Robert, 38, 41, 43,
44, 48
Allen, William, 53
Allen, Zachariah, 198, 201, 222
Allender, William, 62
Allsop, Joseph, 51
Amelung, John Frederick, 269
American Legal Records Series,
Amos, Robert, 17, 55
Amsterdam, Holland, 305
Amwood, Elizabeth, 306
Anderson, Mr., 55
Anderson, James, & Son, 46
Anderson, John McKeel, 58
Anderson, R., 48
Andrew, Nehemiah, 58
Andrews, Abram, 46
Andrews, Medford, 58
Andrews, Reuben, 58
Annamessex Warehouse, Somer-
set County, 111, 193, 253
Annapolis: Alderman, 301, 308
Annapolis: Armourer, Salary
of, 20, 21, 122, 226, 269, 273
Annapolis: Arms removal, 293
Annapolis: Mayor of: 228, 229
Annapolis: Mayors Court, 178,
Annapolis: Petition, 21
Annapolis Warehouse, Anne
Arundel County, 272
Anne Arundel County: Collec-
tion of the Tax in, 266, 269-
270, 317
Anne Arundel County: Coroners
appointed, 12, 25, 49, 185
Anne Arundel County Court, 56,
90,94, 172, 212-213, 325
Anne Arundel County: Election
writ issued, xvii
Anne Arundel County: House
for elections, 88
Anne Arundel County: Inspec-
tors appointed, 100, 148, 187,
199, 212, 244
Anne Arundel County: Justice
of 1, 3, 12, 65, 74, 149, 151,
228, 302
Anne Arundel County: Justices
of the Peace appointed, 12,
167, 235, 315
Anne Arundel County: Land as-
sessment, 98
Anne Arundel County: Orphans
Court judges appointed, 12,
86, 167, 235, 315
Anne Arundel County: Over-
seer of the Road appointed,
Anne Arundel County: Petition,
56, 90, 93-94, 113-114, 173,
202, 212, 308, 325
Anne Arundel County: Pur-
chase of land in, 311
Anne Arundel County: Register
of Wills appointed, 220, 228
Anne Arundel County: Sheriff
elected, 63-64, 291
Appearance in Court, Recog-
nizance for, 31, 33, 51, 66,
69, 74, 76, 90, 130, 154, 176,
178, 197, 204, 249-2SO, 276,
278, 299
Archer, John, 17, 84, 98, 164
Armourer, Annapolis, See An-
napolis: Armourer