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474 Table of Cases. Meanely, Jeffrey, v. Henry Mitchell, 29, 50, 77, Murty, Stephen, v. Daniel Clocker, 422. 173, 187, 210. v. Charles Quigley, 341-343, 446-447. Meekins, Richard, at:. Raymond Stapleford, 52, v. Richard Royston, 333, 396-397, 458. 78, 153. v. James Yore, 343, 421-422, 453-454. Merriday, John, v. Henry Hooper, 54-55. at:. Abraham Hooke, 431-432. Merriott (Merritt), Isaac, v. Wm. Hemsley, at:. Richard Reeves, 331. 194-195; see also Archives LXVIII, 191. Merriton, John, at:. Thomas Guither, 190. Neale, James, v. Thomas Marshall,Metcalf e, Richard, v. Emanuel Jenkinson, 27, v. Thomas Marshall, 53. Neale, James, Jr., at:. Jacob Lookerman, 444. 47, 75.Neale, James, seMiller, Michael, v. Abraham Baker & 174, 175, 210. Neck Baker] ux., extrx. Newen, Owen, at:. James Mills, 331, 430-431. John Neck, 214, 328. Newton, Edward, admr. Thomas Newton, at:. v. Clement Hill, 28, 49, 74, 105, 144-145, John Barnes, 29, 49, 76. 169. Newton, John, v. George Oldfeild, 59; see also v. Ellis Humphreys, 31-33. Archive: LXVII, 5. v. Thomas Jackson, 211. [Nicholson,] Hester, ux., admrx. William v. Thomas Jackson, 211. Gough, Nicholson, Nicholas, &, at:. v. James Ringold, 189, 402-407. George Gosfright, 177, 188, 266-268, 292. at:. Henry Brent & [Ann (Calvert) Nicholson, Nicholas, & [Nicholson,] Hester his Brooke] ux., extrx. Baker Brooke, 189. wife, admrx. William Gough, at:. George at:. Jane [Sewell] Calvert, admr. Philip, Gosfright, 177, 188, 266-268, 292. 339. ats. George Holland, 212. at:. Philip Calvert & Jane [(Sewell) Cal- Nickolls, Nicholas, at:. George Holland, 27, 47, vert,], ux., 214. 74, 186. at:. Daniel Clocker, 214, 316-317. Nickols, John, at:. Susanna Uty, 30, 48, 75, 131- at:. William Digges, who as well & c., 134. 443. at:. Susanna Uty, xii, 30, 48, 75, 126-131. at:. James Ringold, 331, 460. Norwood, Arthur, at:. Edward Perrin, 438. Mills, James, v. Joshua Doyne, 331, 411-412. Nowell Wm., at:. Edward [English] Inglish, v. John ffisher, 332, 366, 373. 88, 210, 328. v. Thomas Fisher, 435. v. Thomas Heath, 343, 366, 373. Oholoham Dermond, at:. Nathanael Garret, 329. v. Henry Johnson, 26, 47, 72, 172, 186, Oldfeild, beorge, at:. Andrew Abbington, 27, 218; see also Archives LXVII, LXVIII, 49, 76. LXIX. at:. Ann Alvey, Mrs. Pope, admrx. Pope v. Jarvis Lassells, 332, 366, 435. Alvey, 59-60. v. Owen Newen, 331, 430. at:. John Baker, 176. v. Thomas Pemberton, 332, 415, 463. at:. Joshua Guibert, 193-194. v. John Stanesby, 214, 329. at:. John Newton, 59; see also Archive: v. John Stanesby, 214. LXVII, 5. v. John Walls, 333, 372, 425-427, 463. at:. Martha [( ), Mrs. Robert] v. John Walls, 333, 372, 415-417, 463. Ridgely, extrx., 216. v. John Walls, 333, 372, 463-464. Orchard, William, & Lewen, George, at:. James qui tam bene, v. Thomas Heath, 332, 432. Derumple & Mary [( ) Clem at:. William Digges, 51, 94-95, 112, 367. ments], his wife, admx John Clements, at:. William Digges, 51. dec'd, 38-39; see also Archives LXIX, at:. Richard Keene, 369. 234-235, 410-411. at:. Thomas Pemberton & John Walls, Osbourne, John, v. Robert Mason, 29, 51, 76. 438, 458, 461. at:. Robert Ridgely, 52, 78, 366. [Painter, Judeth,] ux., Painter, Nicholas, &, v. at:. Gerrard Slye, 28, 50, 112, 146-147, Edward lLoyd, 331, 372, 373. 369. Painter, Nicholas, &, v. Edward lLoyd, at:. John Walls, 438. 331, 372, 373. Mitchell, Henry, v. Walter Davis, 30, 48, 1 12, Painter, Nicholas, &, at:. Edward Lloyd, 173, 187, 233-237, 289. 339-340, 372, 373. at:. Nehemiah Blakiston, 439. Painter, Nicholas, &, at:. Edward Lloyd, Mitchell, Henry, at:. John Edmondson, 28, 49, 339-340, 372, 373. 76. Painter, Nicholas, &, at:. Edward Lloyd, at:. Jeff rey Meanely, 29, 50, 77, 173, 187, 339-340, 372, 373. 210. Painter, Nicholas & [Painter, Judeth,] ux.[Morgan, Susanna,] ux., Morgan, William, Edward lLoyd, 331, 372, 373. v. Joseph Spernon, 370. [Painter, Judeth] ax., v. Edward lLMorgan, William, & Morgan, [Susanna,] ux., v. 331, 372, 373. Joseph Spernon, 370. Painter, Nicholas, & [Painter,] Judith, ux., Morrice, Jacob, at:. Thomas Lord, 214, 318-319. admrx. Wm. Parker, at:. Edward lLoyd, Mudd, Thomas, v. Gerrard Slye, 176. 339-340, 372, 373. at:. Gerrard Slye, 176. & [Painter,] Judeth, ux., admrx. Wm. |
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Volume 70, Page 474 View pdf image (33K) |
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