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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 406   View pdf image (33K)
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                406        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1683.

     Liber W. C. aforesaid And the aforesaid One Couch One Pestell and One paire
                 of potracks to be delivered as aforesd Then the Said Michael Miller
                 and James Ringold shall signe seale and as their Act and deed
                 deliver each to the other a Release acquittance and sufficient dis
                 charge of and for all and all manner of accons and suites Causes of
                 accons & suites Judgments executions bonds bills debts dues and
                 demands whatsoever, And also of and from all other variances
                 strifes Quarrells Controversies & debates whatsoever had made
                 stirred or depending between the said James Ringold and Michael
                 Miller from the beginning of the world untill the day of the date of
                 the above obligacon, and that the said partyes shall not delay the
                 doeing thereof longer then the ffive and twentyeth day of December
                 (Sixthly) Wee Doe Award Arbitrate Judge and determine that
                 the said James Ringold doe and shall pay unto William Cocks
                 Clerke for writeing this Award the sume of Two hundred pounds of
                 good sound Marchantable Leafe tobacco in Caske conveniently in
                 Kent County aforesaid at or upon the tenth day of October next,
                 As by the said writeing of Award Relation being thereunto had
                 more fully and more att large it doth and may appeare, And the
                 said James Ringold by protesting sayth that the aforesaid Michael
                 Miller hath not performed or fulfilled anything in the Award afore
                 said above Specifyed on his part to be fulfilled & pformed according
                 to the forme and effect of the said Awards, In fact the sd James
                 Sayth That the aforesaid Michael Miller did not pay or Cause to be
                 payd unto the sd James Ringold the aforesaid sume of Six thousand
                 six hundred eighty and six pounds of tobacco in the award afore
                 said abovespecifyed, Nor hath ye sd Michael delivered in kind to
                 the said James Ringold One Couch One pestell and one paire of
                 potracks according to the forme and Effect of the same writeing
                 of Award Whereupon he prayeth Judgment and his debt afore
                 said Together with his Damages by Occasion of the detaineing of
                 that debt to him to be Adjudged
                   And the said Michael protesting sayth That the award above in
                 the pits Replication sett forth and the matter therein contained is
                 not Sufficient Legally to charge the said Michael with the per
                 formance thereof ffor Plea sayth. That the said Award was not
                 Drawne up by the said One and thirtyeth day of the Month of May
                 in the Condition above specifyed Indented under the hands and
                 Seales of the said Arbitrators, Nor was the same in such time
                 delivered to the said Michael according to the Tenor of ye said
                 Condition Although he the said Michael required the same, And
                 this he is ready to averr Whereupon as before he prayes Judgment
                 If the said James his accon against him Oought to have
                   And the said James Ringold sayth that by anything above al
                 ledged hee of his accon aforesaid ought not to be barred because

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 406   View pdf image (33K)
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