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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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                34        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681.

    Liber W. C. Edward Tarleton & Compa pits Comand was given to the Sheriffe
                        against     of St Marys County that Whereas
                Elizabeth Greene at Potter deft  at a Provinciall Court held att the
                                     Citty of st Maryes before the Jus
                tices of the said Court the fourteenth day of Aprill Annoq Dominj
                1676 in a suite depending betweene Edward Tarleton and Company
                pits and Eliza Greene of Somersett County widdow otherwise Called
                Elizabeth Greene als Potter widdow of st Maryes County in the
                Province of Maryland deft, The said Plantiffes Recovered judgment
                against the said Eliza Greene at Potter for ffive thousand One hun
                dred seaventy two pounds of Tobacco debt & ffive hundred sixty
                foure pounds of Tobacco costs of suite, and for that Execution hath
                not thereupon issued Itt was therefore comanded the said sheriffe
                that by good and Lawfull men of his Baliwick hee make Knowne
                to the said Elizabeth Greene alias Potter to bee and appeare here the
                six and twentyeth day of Aprill in the six yeare of the Dominion
                of the Right Honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj
                1681 To shew cause if any she have why Execucon Should not Issue
                forth against her upon the said Judgment
                  On wch said six and Twentyeth day of Aprill aforesaid William
                Boareman gentl sheriffe of the County aforesaid made retorne of
                the writt aforesd That before Thomas Potter and Samll Asbiston hee
                made Knowne unto the said Elizabeth Greene ats Potter to be &
                appeare here as by the said writt hee was Comanded,
         p. 416 And Now here at this day to witt the seaven & Twentyeth day of
                Aprill in the yeare aforesaid Came the said Edward Tarleton &
                Company by Robert Ridgely their Attorney and Offered themselves
                against the said Elizabeth Greene at Potter off and Upon the scire
                facias aforesaid, but the said Elizabeth though Solemnly called came
                not but made default, Therefore Itt is Considered by the Court here
                that the said Edward Tarleton & Company have their Execucon
                against the said Elizabeth Green at Potter aswell for the aforesaid
                debt of ffive thousand one hundred seaventy two pounds of Tobacco,
                and ffive hundred sixty ffoure pounds of Tobacco costs of suite in
                the Scire facias aforesaid Mentioned, as also the sume of ffive hun
                dred ffifty and ffive pounds of Tobacco costs of suite sithence Layd
                out and Expended, And the said Deft in mercy &c.

                John Fisher Comand was given to the Sheriffe of st Maryes
                   agt County that of the goods & Chattles of Marke Cordea
               Marke Cordea  If they should be found in his baliwick hee Should
                           Cause to be made the sume of six hundred ninety six
                Pounds of Tobacco, & when he had ye same so made as aforesaid
                or any part thereof the same In his Custody to keepe so that he
                might have the Same before the Justices of the Provinciall Court to
                be held at st Maryes the Six and twentyeth day of Aprill in the sixth

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
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