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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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                32        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681.

    Liber W. C.  of Ellis Humfreys Nine Yearlings, Two ffoure yeare old steeres,
                 One small ifowling piece, ffive Two yeare old Cattle, About Tenn
                 gallons of Tarr six gallons of Mallassos, w± hee hath here as the
                 writt Requires
                  On wch said six and Twentyeth day of Aprill in the yeare afore
                 said Robert Parke and William Harris of Kent County aforesaid,
                 made Retorne of their Appraisment of the goods of the said Ellis
                 Humfreys to the Vallue aforesaid, wch followes in these words Viz
                    Wee Robert Parke and William Harris being sworne to appraise
                    the goods & Chattles of Ellis Humfreys to the Vallue of ffoure
                    Thousand foure hundred seaventy foure pounds of Tobacco due
                    to Michael Miller By vertue of a writ of ExecucOn directed unto
                    the Coroner being Mr Henry Hosier, Haveing appraised as
                   Imprs        li Tob:
                 To two ffoure yeare old steeres        900
                 To 7 Calves some one ycare old & other nine Moneths, &
                 some about half e a yeare old very weake & poore     7
                 To 5 steeres about a Yeare & a half old very weake & Poore     720
                 To one small Gunn                      120

          p. 414 Appraised for Coroners ffees and Appraisrs ffees Amounting unto
                 the Sume of Three hundred & Twenty pounds of Tobacco & Thirty
                 ffoure pounds of Tobacco due on the Execucon as ffolloweth Viz
                                                     ti Tob
                 To some Tarr in a Caske about tenn gallons o8o
                 To one small Runlet of Mallassos Conta six gall 054
                 To two Yearelings weake and poore      200
                                               Totall  2774
                 To Execution   2474
                 To Coronrs ffees180
                 To Appraisrs    120
                                     Robt Parke:
                                2774 Wm Harris:
                 The Right Honoble Charles Lord Baltemore   Comand was given to
                 absolute Lord & Propry of Maryland &c the sheriffe of Kent
                      agt            County that of the
                 Ellis Humphreys    goods and Chattles of
                                     Ellis Humphreys if
                 should be found in his baliwick hee should Cause to be made the
                 sume of Tenn thousand pounds of Tobacco, and when hee had the
                 same soe made as aforesaid or any part thereof the same in his
                 Custody Keepe so that hee should have the same before the Justices

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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