Volume 70, Page 229 View pdf image (33K) |
Provincial Court Proceedings, 1682. 229 of the County aforesaid by vertue of a speciall order Issueing out Liber W. C. of the Provinciall Court Impowering and Comanding the said John Craycroft to Impannell a Jury for the Runing out of a parcell of Land Called Brooke Ridge Scituate lyeing and being on the south side of Petuxent River betweene Brooke Creeke & a Westerne branch of the Divideing Creeke Called St Charles accord ing to the antient bounds wch said land was layd out for One thousand Acres, Wee the said Jurors upon our Oathes Say that the three and twentyeth day of September Anno Doni 1681 Wee the said Jury together wth Ninian Beale Deputy Surveyor of the County aforesaid In the presence of the said John Craycroft came to an oake by the side of a branch called Charles branch And the said Ninian Beale then made oath that by information of Mr Charles Brooke he did verily beleive that that was the bound tree of the said land called Brooke Ridge ffrom wch tree wee the said Jurors together wth the said Deputy surveyor & John Craycroft runn Out the said One thousand Acres of land according to the meets & bounds in the Certificate mentioned Allowing (by the infor macon of the Deputy Surveyr that soe it ought to be) after the rate of tenn perches in every hundred perches, Within wth lines Soe runn out Wee found a plantacon with One Dwelling houses and seaverall out houses in the posession of William Grant In witnesse whereof as well the said Coroner as wee the Said Jurors have hereunto sett our hands and seales the foure and Twentyeth day of September Annoq Doni 1681 Jno Craycroft: Corr sealed Thomas Gant(sealed) James Nuthall (sealed) John Chittam(sealed) William Grant (sealed) John Smith(sealed) Thomas Holliday (sealed) Thomas Ellis(sealed) John Carpenter (sealed) William Jones (sealed)John Browne (sealed) Samll Magrowder (sealed)Thomas Stafford (sealed) And the said Ninian Beale Deputy Surveyor Returned also to the Court here a Certificate under his hand and seal of the bounds of the said One thousand Acres of land by him surveyed & layd out by the directions of the Jurors aforesaid wch Certifficate is as fol loweth (Viz) By vertue of an Order from the Rtt honoble the Lord Propry and the honoble Council bearing date the Second day of May last past for to Resurvey a thousand Acres of land Called Brooke Ridge lyeing in Calvert County on the south side of Petuxent River betweene Brooke Creeke and a Western branch of the divideing Creek Called St Charles Branch I Ninian Beale Deputy Surveyr undr p. Vincent Lowe Esqr. surveyr generll have in the prsence of John Cray- croft gentl Coroner of Calvert County aforesaid Layd out according to comand all that tract or parcell of land Called Brooke Ridge Lyeing |
Volume 70, Page 229 View pdf image (33K) |
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