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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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               Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681.     17

     their Attorneys aforesaid And the said Richard Ladd by his said           Liber W. C.
     Attorney sayth That the said Nicholas his accon aforesaid against
     ought not to have. Because hee sayth that hee is not guilty in Manner
     and forme as the P!antiffe above in his Declaracon hath Declared,
     And of this hee putts himself upon the Country, And the plantiffe
     likewise Therefore Itt is Comanded the sheriffe of St Maryes County
     that he Cause to come here Twelve &c. By whome &c, and who
     Neither &c. To recognize &c Because aswell &c:
       On said Nine and Twentyeth day of Aprill in the yeare afore
     said Came the said partyes by their Attorneys aforesaid, and the
     Jurors impannelled being called likewise came (To wit) William
     Roswell, Joseph Pile, William Langworth Edward Cooke, John
     Rosse, John Richardson, Henry Griffith: John Phillips, Samll Mu
     lington, Philip Lynes: William Robson & Griffith Jones, Who being
     Elected tryed and sworne to say the Truth of the Premisses upon
     their oathes do say That the said Richard Ladd is not guilty of the
     premisses in Manner and forme as the pIt in his Declaracon above
     against him hath Complained, Therefore it is Considered that the
     said Nicholas Painter take nothing by his writ aforesaid but be in
     Mercy for his false plaint thereupon and that the sd Richard Ladd
     may goe thereof without day. and also that the said Richard Ladd
     Recover against the said Nicholas Painter the sume of
               pounds of Tobacco for his Costs and charges by him
     about his Defence in this behalfe Laid out and Expended, and the
     sd Richard may have thereof Execucon

     John LLewelhn George Robins late of Talbot County gentl other-                 p. 400
     agt wise called George Robins of Talbot County was
   George Robins   sumoned to answere unto John LLewellin of a plea
                that hee Render unto him the full and just Sume of
     Three thousand Pounds of good sound Marchantable Tobacco and
     Caske to him he oweth and unjustly detaineth
       And Whereupon the said John LLewellin by Robt Ridgely his
     Attorney sayth That Whereas the said George Robins the seaven
     teenth day of October One Thousand six hundred and eighty, by his
     Certaine bill or writeing Obligatory sealed wth the seale of him the
     said George & here in Court produced whose date is the day and
     yeare aforesaid, Did acknowledge himself to owe and stand Justly
     indebted unto the said John LLewellin in the full and Just sume of
     Three thousand Pounds of good sound Marchantab!e Tobacco &
     Caske, To be paid to the said John ILwellin his heires Executors
     Admrs or Assignes Convenient upon Demand To the wch Payment
     well and truely to be made the said George Robins did binde himself
     his heires Executors & Admrs firmely by those prsents Notwithstanding
     wch the aforesaid George Robins ye said sume of Three thousand
     Pounds of Tobacco According to the Tenor of the said bill or write-

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 17   View pdf image (33K)
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