8 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679.
Liber W. C.
p. 8
Gosfrights Exrs
Michael Taney
Michael Taney late of Calvert County Innholder
was Attached to Answer unto Richard Marsham &
George Lingham Exrs of the last Will & testamt of
Charles Gosfright deceased in a plea of trespas
upon the case
And whereupon the said Richard & George by Christopher Kousby
their Attorney complaine, that whereas the said Michael the tenth
day of April in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred
Seventy seven, in consideracon that he the said Charles (being a
Mrchant) would att the speciall instance & request of him the said
Michael, supply furnish & accommodate Mary the wife of the said
Michael (being then intended for a voyage to England) with such
Sume & Sumes of money as the said Mary should have occasion for
in England that present voyage, And also in consideracon that he
the said Charles would att the like request of the said Michael pay
unto James Conaway the sume of foure pounds sterling, & take upp
his the said Michaels bill to the said James for the like sume, did
assume upon himselfe & to the said Charles did faithfully promise
that he the said Charles [sic] when thereunto required unto the said
Charles would well & truely pay in tobacco what the said Charles
should reasonably deserve for the same And the said Richard &
George in fact say, that he the said Charles trusting to the promise
& assumpcon aforesaid of him the said Michael Taney afterwards to
witt the third ninth & twelfth of July one thousand six hundred
seventy seven did supply furnish & accomodate her the said Mary
wife of the said Michael Taney for her occasions in England with
severall Sumes of money in all amounting to Twenty pounds sterl
And also within the tyme aforesaid pay unto the said James Cona-
way for the said Michael the said Sume of foure pounds sterl And
did take upp from the said James the said Michaels bill for the same,
for all which he the said Charles did well & reasonably deserve the
quantity of five thousand Seven hundred & twenty pounds of tobacco
Yett the said Michael his promise & assumpcon aforesaid in that
behalfe little reguarding, but plotting & fraudulently contriveing him
the said Charles Gosfright in his life tyme & them the said Richard
& George Exrs of the last Will & testamt of the said Charles since his
death of the said five thousand seven hundred & twenty pounds of
tobacco wholy to defraud & deceive, the same five thousand Seven
hundred & twenty pounds of tobacco unto him the said Charles in
his life tyme, or unto them the said Richard & George since his death
hath not paid, but the same to pay hath denyed & still doth deny
in hinderance of the Execucon of the will of the said Charles Gos-
fright, whereupon the said Richard & George say they are the worse
& haue losse to the Value of seven thousand pounds of tobacco, there-
upon they bring their suite And the said Richard & George produce
here in Court their Letters testamentory, whereby itt may appeare