78 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679.
Liber W. C.
fourth yeare of the Dominion of the Rt Honoble Charles Lord Balte-
more &c Annoq Dom 1679 that the said Barnaby Dunch recovr agt
the estate of the said samuel Withers aswell the aforesd sume of
forty five pounds one shilling two pence sterling as alsoe five hun-
dred forty foure pounds of tobacco Costs of suite, And the Defendt
in mercy &
And the said Richard Hill by Robert Ridgely his Attorney cometh
and defendeth the force and Injury when &c, and protesteth agt the
aforesaid Judgemt of the said William Burges to the aforesaid accon
of the said Barnaby Dunch agt the Estate of the said samuell Withers
and dissasenteth thereunto, and prayeth liberty to imparle hereunto
untill next Provinciall Court
p. 71
I doe hereby authorize and appoint you to accept of Declaracon,
and to appeare for me at the suite of Barnaby Dunch in accon by
him comenced against me as one of the Administrators of samuell
Withers deceased, and to confesse Judgemt for the sume of forty five
pounds one shilling & two pence And for soe doeing this shall bee
your Warrant Given undr my hand this tenth day of October Annoq
Dominy 1679
To Robert Carvile of ye Attornyes William Burges
of ye Provinciall Court
Witnesse: Henry Bonner
John Quigley
Joseph Eaton
Comand was given to the Sheriff of Charles County,
Uhat he should Attach any the Goods or Chattles of
Joseph Eaton if they should be found in his baily-
wick to the Value of thirteen thousand three hundred
forty & foure pounds of tobacco And when he had the same so
Attached or any part thereof the same in his custody to keep untill
the said Joseph Eaton should by himselfe or his Attorney appeare
here the Seventh day of Octobr in the fourth yeare of the Dominion
of the right Honble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Doni 1679.
to Answer unto John Quigley in a plea that he render unto him his
reasonable accompt of the tyme he was receiver of the Goods Mrchan-
dizes & tobacco of him the said John. On which said Seventh day
of Octobr the same Sheriffe made returne of the writt aforesaid,
that by vertue thereof he had Attached in the hands of Col Benja
Rozer the quantity of Eight thousand & two pounds of tobacco
whereupon the said John Quigley by Robert Ridgely his Attorney
prayed that the aforesaid quantity of tobacco might be condemned
unto him upon giveing security according to Act of Assembly in
that case made & provided & itt is granted by the Court here
Now here att this day to witt the tenth day of Octobr in the yeare
aforesaid came the said John Quigley with John Hamilton & James
Mills his suerties who undertooke for the said John Quigley in the
Sume of Eight thousand & two pels of tobacco to indempnifie this