Liber W. C.
erable personall estate in Debts, Goods & Chattels in the said Charles
County sufficient to satisfie the Judgmt as aforesaid obtained by the
said Nicholas Page Thomas Welbourne and Amos Bonvile, But the
said Court being soe informed of the escape of the said Saunders
out of this Province, and that the said Saunders had left a consid-
erable estate behinde him as aforesaid, and not knowing whether the
said sheriffe might bee chargeable with the said estate, and that ye
estate of the said Saunders might bee Imbezelled & soe the said
Machen might bee defeated of his debt, and not remembering ye
Judgment obtained as aforesaid by the said Page Welbourne and
Bonvile, Did order the said sheriffe of Charles County to take into
his custody the Estate of the said John Saunders, and the same to
detaine till further order. Which the said sheriffe accordingly did,
By meanes and Collour of wch said order the Judgement Legally
obtained by the said Page Welbourne and Bonvile is reduced after a
greate charge and trouble in Obtaining the same altogether fruitlesse
and Inefectuall, the said order of Court being sufficient to indemnifie
the said sheriffe in not Laying the said Execucon upon the estate of
the said Saunders at the suite of the said Page Welbourne & Bonvile
as your Peticonr is certainely informed, And alsoe by reason of the
said sheriffe's soe takeing the same into Custody without his giveing
an Acct of the same to the said Court, It's impossible for ye same to
bee discovered, Yor Peticoner therefore humbly prayes that the said
order of Court may bee sett apart & voyd And that what estate of the
said John Saunders the said sheriffe by vertue of the same hath taken
into custody hee may give an accot of the same what it is to this next
Provinciall Court, and to shew reason why the same according to
Law may not bee lyable to the Execution of the said Page Welbourne
& Bonvile
And Your Peticonr shall pray &ca
Upon Reading the aforegoing Peticon Itt is Ordered by the Court
here this day to witt the ninth day of October in the fourth yeare
of the Dominion of the Rt Honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c
Annoq Dominj 1679 that the ordr of this Court formerly made to
impower the sheriffe of Charles County to take into his posession
the estate of John Saunders, Bee and is whereby Vacated and
disolved upon the request of Kenelme Cheseldyne ye attorney Of
Nicholas Page Thomas Welbourne and Amos Bonvile